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FANHALL ID: if00365
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片名: 游戏时光
其它片名: /Game Time
导演: 炭叹
摄影: 炭叹, 宋松
剪辑: 炭叹
片长: 59分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

“工作室”同时也是“游戏室”,无论对老板还是员工来说,这里不仅可以赚钱,更可以正大光明的玩游戏。员工们全是外地人,大多都因为家庭原因沉迷游戏,为了远离自己厌恶的学校和父母逃到了北京。三个合伙的老板是北京人,大学时是住一个宿舍的哥们。他们用游戏消磨掉了几年枯燥的学习生活,毕业后家里无奈地支持他们“创业”,总算发挥了 “本行”。

In the end of 2007, a group of young people stayed at a apartment in Tiantongyuan, a community in Beijing. They sat in front of the computer for playing online games  from dawn till dusk, day after day. Here was not the Internet cafes, nor someone's home, but a private studio earning money by play games for customers.
   The “Studio” was also a playroom. For both the owner and the employees, it was not only  to make money,but also could play the game without feeling guilty. None of the employees were native, and most of them were weltering in the game for some family reasons, in order to stay away from their parents and the schools they fled to Beijing. However, the owners, three "partners" were natives, who shared one dormitory in their college life. In those four years, they counted their thumbs by playing online games. Then their families had no choice but to support their "business", so they finally played their own "profession" after graduation.
   Young people in the “Studio” kept fighting in the virtual world, but in real life, their behavior had been simplified to the least - eating, sleeping, and playing games. Only the New Year's Eve, the bosses reluctantly left for home,and the employees chose to stay at dorm.
   After six months, like many other game studios, the “Studio” was closed by the end.The bosses decided to clean up the studio, but they just wanted to keep on playing games with their buddies,but they has no plans for the future. And the employees had to make a choice by force of living. Most of them went to other online games studios - because they were unprepared for the real world, meanwhile in the game world, they were  super heroes ... ...

导演阐述 . . . . . .


In everyone’s early life, there is a “game time” without specific age, which is the transition period from youth to maturity. People during this period seem carefree and relax, while actually they are hopeless and anxious.
   This film talks about the most extreme representatives immersed in this period, that is, a group of young persons making their living by online games. These people have been facing faithless and expanding material society, since they were born at 80s and 90s. While during the fake world created by the online games, they can fulfill themselves by easily finding friends and themselves, which are lost in the real life.
Though complete as the “game time” is, it still cannot escape from the traction of the real world. They have to repeat boring actions in games, in order to maintain their lives. After this “game time”, they have to take off their gorgeous combat gears and struggle in the mud of life.

获得奖项 . . . . . .

意大利“The new chinese shadows – the young video art of peking”影像艺术展;
西班牙“Destilando territorios comunes – Revealing Common Territories”当代艺术展;
“译 象”国际实验电影/实验动画巡回展;
德国“asian hot shots berlin”电影节;
迷仓概念艺术节 · MECOOON 2007(自由电影);
德国杜塞尔多夫 “Chinese Perspectives”电影节;
参予 “北京现场”之“大栅栏计划”,拍摄纪录片。在北京大山子艺术区的“0工场”和德国艺术与媒体中心ZKM展览;


Tan Tan
Experimental film/video author, Indie musician, college teacher
Current  Lives and works in Beijing, China
Bachelor- Drama, Movie&TV, Literature, Communication University Of China, Beijing China
Master Degree- Experimental Film/Video, China Central Academy Of Fine Arts& Calarts cooperation Master program, Beijing China

selected exhibitions

2008   “The new chinese shadows – the young video art of peking” video art exhibition, Italy, November.
“Destilando territorios comunes – Revealing Common Territories“international art exhibition,Spain,October.
     “China Pingyao International Photography Festival·DV Art Exhibition”,Shanxi, September.
     “928 Click” international network art exhibition, September.
“Panorama”--international experimental film/animation roving exhibition, Beijing, Shanghai, June~September.
“asian hots hots berlin·festival for film and video art”, Germany, January.

2007  “Chinese Perspectives” Film Festival in Black Box Cinema in Dsseldorfer, Germany, April.
“The first ever NeoSpring Creative Festival” in Shanghai, April.
“Eight academy of fine arts ’s doodle” of 2007 Beijing 798 Art Festival in Beijing, May.
Ideas Festival ·MECOOON 2007 (Free Cinema), Shanghai, July
“About Experimental Film”Film Festival, Beijing, December.

2005-2006  Participated “The Da Zha Lan Project” of “Beijing Case” ,shoot a documentary and took photographs. Featured in the Zero Field 0 (798 Dashanzi) in Oct. 2007 and ZKM in Germany in May 2006.

selected awards
The documentary  for which I work as a photographer won the Scam International Award of "Cinma du Rel Film Festival 2008"
The film won a prize of "The 14th Beijing Student Film Festival·The University Student Short Movie Competition·professional group 'The Best Experimental Film Award' ", April.

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