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其它片名: /Hanger
导演: 王宪平
摄影: 王宪平
声音: 陈泽立夫
剪辑: 王宪平, 芦岳
片长: 23分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 记录短片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .

Chen Zhen, a young man from Nanjing, is crazy about tattoo. However, it seems that tattoo can not meet his needs. He wants something more amazing. In October 2007, he gave a most thrilling and exciting show about body hanging. While all the audience were shouting and screaming, he looked so peaceful, embracing together with his girlfriend.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

With the development of the society, young people are getting more and more freedom, chasing the individuality. Tattoos, which are quite rare in china some years ago, now are being popular. I want to grasp our attention to the young people through a young man’s extreme experience. Should we be for or against these extremes? What psychological and social factors are hiding behind them? I hope the audience can think it over.

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