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The Devil and Daniel Johnston

FANHALL ID: if00152
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片名: The Devil and Daniel Johnston
其它片名: 魔鬼与丹尼尔·约翰逊
导演: Jeff Feuerzeig
编剧: Jeff Feuerzeig
制片人: 泰德·霍普/Ted Hope, Henry S. Rosenthal
摄影: Fortunato Procopio
美术: Candace Cole, Timothy Georgarakis, Eric Myerson, Hanna Rogers
剪辑: Tyler Hubby
主演: Laurie Allen, Louis Black, David Fair, Jad Fair, Don Goede, Matt Groening, Gibby Haynes, Bill Johnston, Daniel Johnston, Dick Johnston, Mabel Johnston, Margie Johnston, Kathy McCarty, Freddie Mercury, Thurston Moore, Jeff Tartakov, David Thornberry, Peter Zaremba
音乐: Daniel Johnston
片长: 110分钟
年份: 2005年
类型: 纪录/传记/音乐
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Complex Corporation, This Is That Productions

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Sundance Film Festival 
2005 Won Directing Award Documentary
Nominated Grand Jury Prize Documentary
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