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Palermo Shooting

FANHALL ID: if01593
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片名: Palermo Shooting
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders, Norman Ohler
制片人: Wim Wenders, Gianfranco Barbagallo, Felix Eisele, Stephan Mallmann, Marco Mehlitz, Gian-Piero Ringel, Peter Schwartzkopff, Jeremy Thomas
摄影: Franz Lustig
美术: Ludovica Ferrario
声音: Martin Muller
剪辑: Peter Przygodda, Oli Weiss
主演: Dennis Hopper, Campino, Inga Busch, Axel Sichrovsky
音乐: Irmin Schmidt
片长: 124分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 德国 法国 意大利
语言: 英语 德语 意大利语

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is probably one of the worst films I have screened in a very long time ! I was really looking forward to seeing Palermo Shooting, but what a disappointment. Beautiful cinematography, great music - but the plot and dialogs ? My goodness ! What was Wim Wenders thinking ? Such a waste of acting talent ! Especially the dialog - most lines were laughable they sounded so hollow ! We saw it in Cannes at the Grand Palais Lumiere where it premiered. So many people left before the end the end of the film, but fortunately all those who fell asleep during the projection kept the theater somewhat occupied. When the lights came back on there were enough bodies left for a polite show of support. What a shame though. Wim Wenders is capable of so much better than this mediocrity, we have seen it in the past. Not sure this film will ever be seen in a theater again and I believe that Palermo Shooting will be fleeting and quickly forgotten. For Wim's sake, I hope this is the case ...  一位德国成功的摄影师,他的电话还是响个不停,应酬还是没完没了。为躲避这些,他来到意大利南部城市帕勒莫,但是在这里他遇到了一个神秘杀手的追逐,与此同时,他遇到了新的爱情和新的生活。

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