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Buena Vista Social Club

FANHALL ID: if01640
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片名: Buena Vista Social Club
其它片名: 乐士浮生录/Havana Rhapsod乐满夏拿湾
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders
制片人: Ulrich Felsberg, Deepak Nayar, Rosa Bosch
声音: Ai-Ling Lee
剪辑: Brian Johnson
主演: Compay Segundo, Eliades Ochoa, Ry Cooder
音乐: Ry Cooder, Jerry Boys
片长: 105分钟
年份: 1999年
国别: 瑞典 法国 古巴 美国 英国
语言: 英语 西班牙语
制作机构: Road Movies Filmproduktion

影片概述 . . . . . .

I just got to see this on video last night. It's a lovely film, and the protagonists are memorable. My one problem, however, is with Ry Cooder. Don't misunderstand my admiration for Cooder's past work. He's an original, often evocative guitarist and composer. I just felt that his additions to these recordings -- both in the studio and in their concert versions -- were intrusive at the least. That wailing slide guitar just about ruined some great songs. I'm surprised the gentlemen and ladies of the band didn't say anything. It was a relief when he sat out of a performance. I really wanted to jump into the film, tap him on the shoulder and ask him to put down his guitar and just sit behind the mixing board!

OK. That's my rant. This is an impressive and lovely film.

If you have a chance, track down 1997's Black Tears (lagrimas Negras).

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