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Land of Plenty

FANHALL ID: if01631
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片名: Land of Plenty
其它片名: 迷失天使城/Untitled Wim Wenders Project
导演: Wim Wenders
编剧: Wim Wenders, Scott Derrickson, Michael Meredith
制片人: Caroline Kaplan, Jake Abraham, In-Ah Lee
摄影: Franz Lustig
美术: William Budge, Nicole Lobart
声音: Michael Baird, Barry London, Matthew Nicolay
剪辑: Moritz Laube
主演: Michelle Williams, John Diehl, Shaun Toub
音乐: Nackt, Thom
片长: 123分钟
年份: 2004)年
类型: 剧情
国别: 美国 瑞典
语言: 英语
制作机构: Emotion Pictures

影片概述 . . . . . .

This is for me the most coherent of the Wim Wenders films I've seen and it's to-date the best attempt to depict post-9/11 America on film. The not-so-subtle symbolism, the superb acting (especially by Michelle Williams), and moving story line, which concerns an attempt to give a homeless Pakistani man a decent burial after he is gunned down in a drive-by shooting, come together to paint a portrait of an America left stunned and somewhat confused.

I was moved by the one scene in which John Diehl's character Paul is informed by his friend that "It's not who we thought," and we see on his face, the hope fading away of ever finding any relief for his vague need for some kind of justice--and this is mirrored by the fading desert sun in the background.

I agree with the other reviewer that these completely American characters may make sense mostly to non-Americans--but that's only a result of the films unflinching objectivity. Watch and learn.

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