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FANHALL ID: if03484
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片名: 비몽
其它片名: 悲梦/Dream
导演: 金基德
编剧: 金基德
美术: 金基德
剪辑: 金基德
主演: 朴智娥, 小田切让, 李娜英, 金太贤, 张美姬
音乐: Philip Sheppard
片长: 95分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 韩国
语言: 朝鲜语 / 日语
制作机构: 金基德电影工作室

影片概述 . . . . . .

痴迷篆刻的年轻男子镇(小田切让 饰)连续数天被真实感极强的梦所困扰,当梦见开车撞人之后,他立即前往梦中的车祸现场,却发现这一切都曾真实发生。警方调取附近的录像,找到肇事逃逸的车辆,并从家中带走正在熟睡的汽车主人——刚刚结束一段恋情的兰(李娜英 饰)。兰拒绝承认罪行,然录像中的自己却确凿无疑证明了一切。最终查明兰患有严重的梦游症,令人难以置信的是,她的梦境竟与镇的意识相通。镇的梦操纵着兰的身体,去完成这一件件匪夷所思的事情。
  借着奇妙的机缘,两人走到一起,共同寻找着摆脱这恐怖之梦的办法,却又不得不去面对深藏心中黑暗的一面…… I eagerly bought Dream on DVD and could not wait to watch it based on my previous experience with Kim-duk Kim's work. One of my all time favorite is Seom (The Isle) and the other Hwal (The Bow) not to mention Address Unknown and Spring, Summer,.... wow all great movies. However, after watching Dream and throughout the film I tried to see what the point of this film is. Maybe it is because I am not fully aware of cultural things in Korea or because I am a type of person who doesn't sleep a lot and cannot relate to the characters but I couldn't get the point of the film specially when a lot of things Jin (Jô Odagiri) and Ran (Na-yeong Lee) could do to solve their problem. One being falling in love with each other as mentioned by the doctor (which apparently they did towards the end of the movie) amongst other things. I was disappointed with Mr. Kim's new work as he is very talented and should know that all his movies are important and he should choose projects more carefully not to taint his reputation.

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