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Which Way Home

FANHALL ID: if03445
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片名: Which Way Home
其它片名: 哪里是回家的路
导演: Which Way Home
摄影: Rebecca Cammisa, Eric Goethals, Lorenzo Hagerman
声音: Gabriel Coll Barberis
剪辑: Madeleine Gavin, Pax Wassermann
主演: Cybill Shepherd, John Waters, Peta Toppano
音乐: James Lavino
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录片
国别: USA
语言: 英语 西班牙语
制作机构: Guatemala

影片概述 . . . . . .

First, this film does not get into the pro- and anti-illegal immigrant debate. It simply chronicles the journey of several children (most from Central America) riding the "Beast," a Mexican train that runs north of the border with Guatemala. Many people looking to enter the US illegally will board the train (riding on top, many fall off and are crushed to death) to make the treacherous and often deadly trip. The children are from 9 to 17 years old and are either looking to reunite with family in the US, or seeking a better life away from extreme poverty in their home countries. It's difficult to imagine that anyone can watch this and not feel heartbroken - these are children, some of whom have been abandoned and have no idea the danger they face in their quest for a new life. During their trip, the kids witness two people falling off the train and getting crushed, they are robbed, caught by immigration authorities in Mexico and deported back home, and one witnesses two women being repeatedly raped in a boxcar. This documentary is very well done, and is an example of some of the best unbiased film-making of a difficult subject I have ever seen. It is definitely worth watching - a shot of realism that made me more grateful than ever that I was born in America and have it very good.

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