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FANHALL ID: if02060
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片名: 新前门大街
其它片名: /New Beijing, New Marriage
导演: 范坡坡, 郑凯贵
制片人: 郑凯贵, Chuck Steinberg
摄影: 范坡坡, 吕吕
剪辑: 范坡坡
片长: 18分钟
年份: 2009年
国别: 中国
语言: 国语

影片概述 . . . . . .


Located south of the Tian’anmen Square and among the century-old old architecture, Qianmen bears silent witness to the history of the Beijing city. Originally a Western holiday, the Valentine’s Day has become a huge day for many Chinese young people. For the tens of millions of gays and lesbians in China who do not have rights to make their voices heard, what do the place and the day mean to them?
Before the Beijing Olympics, the Qianmen Street was renovated into a popular shopping and tourist spot. On February 14, 2009, the Valentines Day, a gay couple and a lesbian couple chose to have their wedding photos taken on the Qianmen Street. It was a beautiful Spring Day in Beijing. People who witnessed the event include local residents and tourists from all over the country. Would they understand what was going on? Did the branded ‘New Beijing’ also bring about ‘new concepts’ about love and marriages?
The event has attracted wide media coverage and public attention. It is an important milestone in the history of China’s LGBT movement.

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Director’s Statement:
I am very excited to be on the spot to witness the event. I hope to remember the unforgettable moments with my camera.

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