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Year of the Horse/ / Jim Jarmusch

Jim Jarmusch has always been one of my favorite directors, and I also happen to be a fan of Neil Young's music. I found this documentary very interesting and well-made. I suppose that it's not for everybody, though. Jarmusch can be a little strange at times (I like that, but other people might not). 得承认,我绝对算大半个“疯马”的忠实乐迷,我1994年上大学买到的最早的几盘打卡磁带中,就有百听无法厌倦的Neil Young & Crazy Horse《与天使共眠》 ,还有九寸钉的《漂亮的痛恨机器》,Cocteau Twins的《四日...

Ghost Dog: The Way of the Samurai/ / Jim Jarmusch

This is a great film; it has pretty much everything a great film needs: a great score, great actors, great performances, etc. The film revolves around Ghost Dog, perfectly portrayed by Forest Whitaker. He is a assassin who lives by the code of the Samurai. Apart from him, we also follow the fate of several mafia men(though nowhere near as intimately as we follow Ghost Dog). These two very different groups, Samurai and mafia, are both depicted reasonably well, giving us insight to how the groups ...

Coffee and Cigarettes/ / Jim Jarmusch

This movie is better than the first reviewer claims. The context of the movie is definitely social, but the humor is only superficially based on the character's real-life celebrity. True, the background music is interesting if you are a film buff. But, take my advice, watch this movies after a couple drinks, at a social gathering, to really enjoy it. The humor is better than in most full length feature comedies. I laughed loud and hard and had a lot of fun when I caught this at the university of...

Broken Flowers/ / Jim Jarmusch

I never saw this movie when it came to the theater. Later on, when it arrived on video, the clerks at the local store rolled their eyes and told stories of renters returning it and complaining that it wasn't funny and was boring. So I didn't rent it, being the mindless lemming that would listen to a video store clerk. Then I stumbled across it on one of the TV movie channels and sat down and watched it. Perhaps it was the lack of any expectations on my part, but I found this movie fascinating. ...

The Limits of Control/ / Jim Jarmusch

"The Limits of Control" is a post-modernist exercise. It doesn't tell a story. (There are apparently no stories worth telling on a planet defined by a singer as dirt.) Rather, the movie borrows the plot lines and dialogue of film noir, the preoccupations of French art criticism, and other semi-art cinema fare, and recombines them in a heavily ironic and lushly sensual setting, (1) to draw attention to itself and (2) to comment on dreams, art, and the making of art. Does it take itself seriously...

帮帮我,爱神/Help Me Eros / 李康生

小康(李康生 饰)因股市暴跌而变得生活潦倒,他依旧住在被查封了的屋子里,里面种了很多他赖以生存的大麻。几度想寻死的他致电“生命线”求助,也日渐寄情在开解他的女辅导员上。   这时他结识了一名槟榔西施小萱(尹馨 饰),他们一起吸食大麻,沉浸在性爱当中。小康开始跟踪生命线的义工,他误会了窈窕的辅导员是自己情感上的依靠,实际上他的辅导员是一名胖女人。   胖女人有个异装癖的老公,他从来不满足老婆的性需求,只是默默的为她煮东西吃。   小康看到了胖女人,知道她是自己的辅导员后,生活就越发糜烂。小萱实在看不下...

絕地花園:八個罕見病友的真情故事/ / 李康生

基因是微小的生命密碼,在人體裡複雜而獨立地運作著。罕見病友們就是那不及人體千萬分之一大小的基因出了差錯,以致打亂了他們及家人的人生。然而,那極小的機率及意外,卻也含藏著生物演化的奧秘,藉著對罕見疾病成因的探索也是對人體奧秘宇宙的探索。因此,我們要向這群絕地花園的天使們致敬,這些人是以自身的病痛苦難,擔下全人類傳承的風險。 「絕地花園」為一系列罕見疾病病友的生命故事,在這一系列電視劇裡,由八位國內知名編導,以及實力派演員詮釋八位病友及其家庭獨特的生命際遇。每一部影片背後都有為生命而努力綻放的花朵...

是夢/蔡明亮 / 蔡明亮

蔡明亮导演还邀请了自己的母亲在片中本色出演。 人和事虽然发生在马来西亚,但表达出的时空与意境,却存在于每个人的心中,有世界的共同性。

臉/face / 蔡明亮

在这部卢浮宫的定制作品里,除了将卢浮宫的多处细节摄入画面,蔡明亮最大的乐趣是有机会将摄影机对准那些有历史的脸:特吕弗的妻子芬妮·亚当、“安托万”让-皮埃尔·利奥德、“新浪潮女神”让·莫罗、特吕弗扶植出道的娜塔莉·贝伊…… 蔡明亮采用了伪纪录片的结构:台湾导演李康生计划在卢浮宫拍摄电影,他对法国演员仰慕已久,想邀请他们来演出,但状况频出让他心力交瘁。这种以李康生为化身的暧昧布局,也很容易勾动影迷的记忆,以及导演和女演员间那层微妙的情愫。

Esther Forever/ / Richard Olivier

爱斯黛尔是个很难将其归类的、强悍的老太太。现在70多岁的她一方面保持着独立的思想,一方面仍然按照她母亲那个时代的准则来生活。她一生未婚,但时常坠入爱河;有时忧郁,却深深植根于生活。虽然相对于人类,她更喜欢与她的动物标本为伴,在影片中她却以她令人忍俊不禁的佛拉芒-法国式幽默同人们讲述她自己的故事,表达她的观点,坦白她对人生的遗憾与希望。Richard Olivier用了六年时间来纪录这个名不见经传的、时而随和时而古怪的老太太,塑造出一个令人敬佩的的命运的强者形象

A voir san les yeux/Sight without seeing / Marie Mandy

一个你所从未看见过的盲人的世界。 当一个人不再或几乎不再能够看见的时候,他头脑中的影像是什么样子的?当有一天,所有的光线、形状都突然间从他的世界中消失,那个人将如何承担这份生活?影片中的人物均为盲人或弱视者。他们告诉人们影像并非都是视觉的,同时也是听觉和触觉的,是关于想像、记忆和发现之间无止境的游戏。 大学教授John失去对光的感应已有20年;Sylvie生活在半失明的状态下,是一名教师兼雕塑家;Aladji从孩童时期起就失去了视力,却能持续打破赛跑纪录;小Sarina则基本上与外界没有任何视觉接触,然而。。。他们却都...

Henri Storck mon grand père le héros/ / Christine Masuy

This report is a portrait of Henri Storck, shot in his home city, Ostende in Belgium, next to the seaside of North Sea, with my memories, my privileged relationship with him as grand-son, and our shared happiness. He’s my old friend, you’ll see. 这段关于斯托克的电视节目采访,是在他的故乡,毗邻北海的比利时奥斯坦德市拍摄。有我感动的记忆,有我作为他的外孙的特殊亲情,也有我们一起共享的乐趣。 你会明白,他其实就是我的一个老伙计。 比利时法语广播电视台电视系列片节选 - 亨利斯托克

SAINT-JOB/ / Pierrot de Heusch

一部纪录短片,关于在布鲁塞尔这个欧洲中心的最后一个村庄。那时候是1988年,很不幸的是现在那些个传统、友好、聚会和互助现在几乎都没有了。一些有钱人搬来这里居住,为了寻找一点乡村的感觉…然而他们却从未理解圣乔布的真实生活。t is a documentary about the last village in this capital of Europe, Brussels. It was in 1988, but unfortunately now all these traditions, conviviality, party, and mutual-help don’t exist any more. Some riche men came here to live looking for something countryside…However, they don...

Fêtes de Belgique ou l'effusion collective/High days and holidays in Belgium / Henri Storck

On Mardi Gras, before dawn, the Gilles get ready for the great ceremony of this day of collective effusiveness. Originating in the distant past, the Gilles perpetuate the pagan rites of renewal; the dance of the masked men, wearing bells, to the ternary rhythm of the drums that exorcises demons and calls fertility to the earth. In the afternoon, Gille, wearing a headdress of feathers, throws oranges, symbols of the sun, as a sign of abundance. The fullness of the image corresponds perfectly to t...

Les Dieux du Feu/Godness of Fire / Henri Storck

An opera film without commentary dedicated to celebrating the manufacture of steel and the smelting furnaces. It makes the steelworks seem both grandiose and Dantesque, transforming them into an ode to work and the mastery of men. Storck films this industrial hell like some choreography for Titans. Each shot is full of tension: the slightest negligence could cause a catastrophe. The construction plays on the opposition of colors and work between the shop floor, reddish, huge, terrifying, and the...

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