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在影片中搜索: 放映组织[]

Ostroznie, Yeti!/Beware of Yeti! / Andrzej Czekalski

don't know what the guy before me is talking about, perhaps some other movie.. what yeti? what destruction?? yeti escaped from a packet it was transported in an now is lost somewhere in warsaw. a professor together with his pal - a prisoner are looking for the poor creature, but difficulties a la monty python are mushrooming in front of them. worth seeing, definitely. if you want you can get it :) very specific polish sense of humor, not easily understandable by non-poles. and, unfortunately,...

Le gros et le maigre/The Fat and the Lean / Roman Polanski

may surprise those who know him best from Rosemary's Baby, Chinatown and The Pianist that several of Roman Polanski's early short features took the form of silent comedies, reminiscent of Chaplin, Keaton, Laurel and Hardy and Jacques Tati. The main difference to traditional silent comedies was that Polanski's were wacky and surreal, but not very funny. This is the exception. The Fat Man and the Thin Man (or The Fat and the Lean; there are several English translations) is one of a small number o...

Niewinni czarodzieje/Innocent Sorcerers / Andrzej Wajda

This was the first 'mainland European' film I saw as a teenager in the early 60s. I saw it on late-night television and it knocked me out. Later on I saw Wajda's 'Generation' trilogy and could barely believe that this was the same director. I have subsequently seen it on the big screen a couple of times and it remains a favourite from its era. The reason was simply that the creative force behind 'Innocent Sorcerers' is not Wajda but Jerzy Skolimowski. You only need to take a look at 'Walkover' ...

Do widzenia, do jutra/Good Bye, Till Tomorrow / Janusz Morgenstern

As a carbon copy of a standard French New Wave film ( closer to François Moreuil than to François Truffaut ), "Do widzenia, do jutra" benefits from the same virtues and suffers from the same vices as the model it takes its inspiration from. Among the qualities the fresh, unaffected tone of the actors who seem to be what they are in life. On the other hand, the streets and sites of Gdansk are photographed so well and so close to everyday reality that the viewer is made to feel like booking a gui...

Zezowate szczescie/Bad Luck / Andrzej Munk

The tone of the humor in this remarkable film (a delicious treat for any aficionados of central European cinema, especially), is remarkably like some Ealing comedies I've seen ...'Kind Hearts and Coronets' and 'The Lavender Hill Mob', come readily to mind. The director must have seen a bit of American slapstick & french farce, of the 1920's-30's, or at least digested a few choice examples to elaborate upon. Not wanting to give away the plot,or try to define the movie in any tangible way, I find ...

Lotna/Speed / Andrzej Wajda

Evidentally this is sort of a "lost" film. The DVD copy is half in color, and half in tinted black and white. No previous comments on IMDb or Netflix. An astounding circumstance for a film of this high quality by a known director. This an iconic tale of a beautiful horse that has several owners, sort of a mixture of "Black Beauty" and "The Red Shoes". There's an interesting love triangle among the humans, set in early World War II, I think. The white of a bride's dress is paralleled with the h...

Gdy spadaja anioly/When Angels Fall / Roman Polanski

This was Polanski's graduation piece when he finished film school at Lodz, and it bears some striking differences to both his previous shorts and his later features. At the same time, it shows a maturing of his style and certainly was his most ambitious work up to that point. Perhaps the most obvious difference is its beauty and sentimentality. Polanski films can of course be deep and emotional, but they don't tend to wallow in emotional sentimentality. The bittersweet tale of an elderly toilet...

Lampa/The Lamp / Roman Polanski

Lamp, The (1959) ** 1/2 (out of 4) Surreal film from Roman Polanski about a doll maker. There's really no "story" here but instead we get various strange images. The images are nice but overall the film somewhat drags. When Angels Fall (1959) ** 1/2 (out of 4) An elderly woman works a lousy job but she's capable of seeing things like no other. This short from Polanski has a lot of good moments but it really doesn't work well enough for the running time. The use of color was nicely done ...

Dwaj ludzie z szafa/Two Men and a Wardrobe / Roman Polanski

Although you can file this movie under experimental or avant-guarde (which are controversial film genres), I think that if only all film student made short films as good as this one... perhaps student films would have had a wider audience (other than film students!).

Koniec nocy/End of the Night / Pawel Komorowski

 背景设在二战期间波兰的纳粹占领区。几个波兰士兵残忍杀害了一个女人、她儿子和媳妇。丈夫和他的父亲则逃往森林。这个年轻人决定参加抵抗战争,但最初见面时盖世太保就杀死了他的信使,并进行追捕。在逃亡期间,他在一所公寓里替一名怀孕妇女接生。他在伤寒症诊所中心工作。在接种疫苗后,他成为了研究的实验品……祖拉斯基的处女作,却比他今后的作品更加晦涩,可是却透着更加真实的环境背景和故事逻辑,而且没有那些性或性暗示的镜头,所以对这部片子的感觉胜过他的《情欲写真》等成名作品。             故事本身并不是...

Nikodem Dyzma/ / Jan Rybkowski

这是一个真实地让人欲哭无泪的故事,哀其不幸,怒气不争。   波兰现实主义作品,说的是一位女性众叛亲离,最后走向死亡的故事。   女主人公有一个很美丽的名字,贝亚塔,一位来自波兰乡下的姑娘,嫁给了一位波兰城市里的小伙子。影片在房地产商宣布破产的背景下,拉开了序幕,贝亚塔的一家将全部的积蓄投资给了新房子。房地产商宣布破产,贝亚塔一家的多年积蓄付诸东流。    在这种落魄的情景下,贝亚塔的丈夫带着她和两个年幼的孩子和霸道专横的母亲住在了一起。住进来的第一天,双方的矛盾始见端倪,她的婆婆开始嫌弃贝亚塔没...

Pokolenie/ / Andrzej Wajda

Hard not to view this film with the benefit of hindsight when - for example - the final image, of faces almost tangibly seeing the light of a new tomorrow, is apparently so straightforwardly propagandistic; scenes such as that in which the older workman talks reverently about the promise of Karl Marx now seem at best quaint. That's probably not an entirely fair prism through which to consider the film, but the theme of anti-Nazi resistance obviously becomes less stirring when one considers the l...

Rower/Bicycle / Roman Polanski


Zaczarowany rower/ / Silik Sternfeld

Based on a true story, a Jewish scientist escapes from a train on its way to a concentration camp and hides by disguising himself as a performing bear. When the scientist's identity is revealed, the unexpected happens.   The White Bear by Jerzy ZARZYCKI as a part of a series of film showings Jewish Motifs in the Polish Cinematography with introduction by Prof. Tadeusz LUBELSKI (Film Institute of the Jagiellonian University

阿拉民工/ / 徐俊

本片主要是叙述一群到上海打工的外来农民的故事,镜头瞄准暂居于某高校工棚里的一群“农民工”,他们来自全国各地的农村。   影片描述了两个民工群体的生活,一个群体大多数是由中年民工构成,他们出来打工是为了养家。这群民工的夜生活相当的单调,最大的奢望就是偶尔能走进学校的礼堂,看看学生的演出。可就是这么点小小的要求,有时也成为了奢望,因为他们的身份和穿着,经常被看门的学生拒于礼堂大门之外。于是愤怒让他们不得不大声地质问这些所谓接受过高等教育的人“你们知道这幢大楼是我们谁造的吗?”这句话让很多人无言以对。 ...

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