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Gonzalo Arcillas First Sentimental Success

FANHALL ID: if02940
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片名: Gonzalo Arcillas First Sentimental Success
其它片名: 乔扎罗«阿切拉第一次感情的成功
导演: Luis Deltell
编剧: Ana Kuntzeiman, Pablo Remon
制片人: Ruben Soler
摄影: Fran Femandez
美术: Ruben Pardifias
声音: Ignacio Prego de Oliver
主演: Cristina Velacoracho, Rafael Ramos, Jorge Benito
音乐: Pablo Berlanga
片长: 10分钟
类型: 剧情片
国别: 西班牙
语言: 西班牙语
格式: 35mm
制作机构: ECAM Madrid Film School

影片概述 . . . . . .

A nine-year-old boy whose family make a living in fairs is in love with a twelve-year-old girl. The flights of his imagination together with the advice of his elder brother bring him by turns closer and farther away from her.

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