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Иваново детство

FANHALL ID: if01536
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片名: Иваново детство
其它片名: 伊万的童年/Ivanovo Detstvo
导演: Andrei Tarkovsky, Eduard Abalov
编剧: Andrei Tarkovsky, Vladimir Bogomolov, Mikhail Papava
摄影: Vadim Yusov
美术: Ye. Chernyayaev
声音: Inna Zelentsova
剪辑: Lyudmila Feiginova
主演: Nikolay Burlyaev, Valentin Zubkov, Yevgeni Zharikov
音乐: Vyacheslav Ovchinnikov
片长: 95分钟
年份: 1962年
类型: 剧情
国别: 苏联
语言: 俄罗斯语/德语
制作机构: Ministerstvo Kinematografii

影片概述 . . . . . .

This film by Tarkovsky depicts the story of Ivan, a child partisan in the eastern front during the second world war. The strength and immersion of the film are quite amazing, although it was made almost forty years ago it has not lost any of it's power and is still absolutely gripping. The dream sequences are especially powerful in the way they show the history and state of mind of the young Ivan.

The acting is very good and so are all the other aspects such as editing and cinematography that is exceptionally good. Overall the film is an example of directorial excellence, from a very simple story Tarkovsky is able to build a larger history with obvious references to christianity. Questions about humanity and the nature of humankind are in the center of this film and there are many reasons why this is one of the best war films that exist                              影片讲述了一个名叫伊万的少年,他的父母在二战期间被德国纳粹杀害。怀着对纳粹的仇恨,他加入了苏联红军,当上了一名小侦察员,深入德军敌后,执行危险的任务。红军中校认为战争不是孩子的事情,欲安排他到后方上学,小伊万听了很是恼火,最后还是留了下来。在伊万的强烈要求下,再次让他进行秘密的侦察活动,而这一次,伊万再也没有回来。战争胜利后,中校在敌人的材料中发现了伊万的档案……

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