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黑夜行路/Call If You Need Me / 李添兴

表弟进城和表哥一起捞偏门为生,和一班兄弟专门收烂账,很快他在黑道扶摇直上,但却被命运开了个大玩笑…… Synopsis: A couple of cousins go to town and make a living by chasing long-unpaid debt together. Soon they collect a notorious reputation among gangs, however got cheated by fate……

我这一辈子/MY Whole Life / 张民

作者出生在中国北方的一个村庄,这个村庄约有100年的历史。村里年龄最大的男性村民名叫张俊峰,88岁了,他放了一辈子牲口,虽家徒四壁,但性格乐观,身体硬朗。他有个78岁的弟弟——张俊山,一辈子命运多舛,干过很多职业,防疫站医生、乡村小学教师、菜园子把式、生产队计工员、曲艺作家、算命先生……但都好景不长。2007年2月,作者回到家乡,记录了老哥俩儿的晚年生活。在他们的讲述中,个人的生命史和村庄的变迁一点点浮现。 Synopsis: At 88 years of age, Zhang Junfeng is the oldest man in his century-old village in Northern...

变调的结局/ / 唐棣

故事三部分: 屋内的舞蹈、广场的幻觉、河中的追打。 一个失恋的青年。因思念而发生的一系列超乎想像的所为。

Mexico/旅程 / Gabriela Monroy

一个父亲和他的患孤独症的儿子在墨西哥城地铁中的旅程。A father and his autistics son take a trip on the Mexico City subway

她/the girl / 张敏东


Le bonheur/Happiness / Agnès Varda

一群客观来说尚称快乐,而凡事却总得再述一遍的人,匪夷所思的是,对他们来说尚称快乐是可以替换的。一个男人和一个女人以及两个孩子在一起,他们始终觉得一切美好,然后女人自杀了,接着他续了弦,一切就这样继续下去,因为这背后已经不存在感觉了。 Though married to the good-natured, beautiful Thérèse (Claire Drouot), young husband and father François (Jean-Claude Drouot) finds himself falling unquestioningly into an affair with an attractive postal worker. One of Agnès Varda’s most provocative films, Le bon...

在城市里跳跃/ / 范俭


Panj é asr/At Five in the Afternoon / Samira Makhmalbaf

This movie tugged at my heartstrings delivering an unforgettable portrayal of Afghan life. It's a 10 out of 10, poetically revealing modern life in a city relegated to Neanderthal living conditions after the Taliban was sent packing. The Film's title is the title of an extraordinarily relevant poem, recited twice during the film. Though a tough way to learn Farsi (it's subtitled - phew!) "At Five in the Afternoon" awakened me to the plight of the poor souls coping with the rubble and 19th cent...

Sib/The Apple / Samira Makhmalbaf

Like many recent films from Iran this one has a simple plot line, light humor, and a humanitarian streak that is rarely seen in American films. Yet it too has a resonance due to its use of metaphor and to a rather complex theme. The film starts with concerned neighbors signing a petition for social workers to investigate a home where their blind mother and out-of-work father have locked up two girls for eleven years. Social workers "rescue" the (now slightly autistic) girls then give them back t...

Takhté siah/Blackboards / Samira Makhmalbaf


The naked civil servant/ / Jack Gold

THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT是英国作家、艺人Quentin Crisp的自传体小说,1975年被改编成英国电视电影。1976年John Hurt因在Quentin Crisp里饰演角色而获得British Academy Television Awards最佳男主角。电影THE NAKED CIVIL SERVANT让Quentin Crisp获得前所未有的成功。如今导演Jack Gold的电影已经入选20世纪百部电视电影。Quentin Crisp评价这部电影“任何电影,哪怕是最差的作品,都比现实生活中要好。”当他还是孩子的时候,他就意识到自己“与众不同”,自己对女人没有一点兴趣。他的父母搞不清楚“他出了什么问题”,四处求医都得不...

盛夏光年/Eternal Summer / 陳正道

故事是從一所海邊的小學開始的…… 守恆從小就是一個壞小孩,而正行是個乖小孩 ;有一天老師希望好小孩可以影響壞小孩,於是就規定好小孩要陪伴在孤獨的壞小孩身旁,慢慢的影響他,讓他有一天也能成為一個好小孩。 但是在漫長的成長過程裡,這段從規定開始的友情,慢慢開始發酵。物換星移,正行就像行星一樣圍繞在像恆星一般的守恆身旁,像是一個定律般。一直到有一天,另一個孤獨的女孩-惠嘉,像彗星一般闖入兩人的生命中,打亂了一切…… 外面的時代,是發展中的台北…… 時代很大,三個年輕人心中說不出口的秘密卻很小,但卻是他們的...

四月一日/April Fools / 柯英华

现代化的香港,纷繁忙碌的生活。三个年轻的同志朋友,在生活的悬崖边上花天酒地,岌岌可危。当一位新朋友介入这个密切的关系,他们及时行乐的生活方式毕露无疑,而友谊也经受着考验。向王家卫和张国荣致敬。 Synopsis: In modern, fast-paced Hong Kong three young gay friends live their lives dangerously close to the edge. When a new boyfriend turns up on the scene their hedonistic lifestyle is exposed and their friendships are tested to breaking point. Inspired by Wong Kar Wai and Leslie Cheung.

Katyn/ / Andrzej Wajda

This is not an average Oscar nominated Hollywood movie. There are few movies that are able to expose abyss of human nature, the darkest one in this case. It is not the most gruesome scenes, as one who knows the historical facts may expect to see, create emotional terror. Wajda masterfully leads the viewer deeply into reflections on how horrible humanity can become. There is little hope to change the course of the past, and yet when watching the film, one may catch himself hoping for a miracle of...

Samson/ / Andrzej Wajda

We saw the 1961 film "Samson" by Andrzej Wajda on Saturday. This was a black and white movie in Polish with English subtitles. There were a few instances in which the dialog did not have subtitles. This was limited to a few lines here and there. This movie was set in Warsaw and the Warsaw ghetto during World War II. It was much like "The Pianist" by Roman Polanski (2002). The lead actor even looked like Wladyslaw Szpilman (Adrien Brody) of "The Pianist." "Samson" is the story of a Jew, Jakub Go...

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