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L'amore in città/Love in the City / Michelangelo Antonioni

This film is included in Parker Tyler's "Classics of the Foreign Film," a seminal book published in the 1960s (perhaps updated since then). I saw it for the first time recently through a videotape available at a local university. The film captures aspects of 1950s Rome fairly well, the best segment concerning a Sicilian woman who, having a baby boy out of wedlock, cannot pay for the child's care due to her inability to obtain work. Out of desperation she abandons the child in a park. He is rescu...

半部电影、一群犬,以及灯/3又无限分之一 / 唐棣


Alabama: 2000 Light Years from Home/ / Wim Wenders

saw "2000" just once, yet, like all Wenders' films, I still remember glimpses. "The Wrong Move(ment)" was the feature attraction, it was 1978, and they were a good pair. "2000" is essentially a 20-minute musical journey. Traveling thru the deep South, with a bluesy, rambling pace to it. A Dylanesque character .. who's "got no expectations, to pass .. this way .. again" (yes, music by the Stones and Hendrix). I didn't realize the "film" was shot in 1969. It could pass for a student film, but t...

Ten Minutes Older/ / Spike Lee

dream come true for art-house film buffs, and anyone whose out looking for an interesting way to spend 90 minutes. This is perhaps one of the most amazing collection of short films. The secret lies in the vast variety of genre and style of the films. From pure eye-candy to dramatic documentaries. In a collection like this, there is no such thing as "out of place". I found all the films enjoyable and interesting. For me, the weakest segment was the Wim Wenders film. It felt like an episode of a m...

Larmar och gör sig till/面对小丑 / Ingmar Bergman

After his brilliant portrayal of the black sheep Ekhdal in Fanny and Alexander I expected something else from Börje Ahlstedt but didn't know where to find him. I stumbled accidentally on this film that I didn't even know was a Bergman at first. I was completely surprised not only in the acting of not only Ahlstedt but Erland Josephson and Marie Richardson as well, but by Bergman's capacity to come up with so many ideas in a moment in his career when other brilliant directors are long forgotten. ...

大丈夫であるように -Cocco 終らない旅-/ / 是枝裕和

ヶ月ほど前、ある人からお誘いを受けて、映画の試写会へ行って来た。今度の土曜日、12月13日から公開される「大丈夫であるように~Cocco 終らない旅~」って映画だ。サブタイトルからも分かるように、この映画は、沖縄出身のシンガーソングライター、Coccoを追ったドキュメンタリーなんだけど、それほどよくCoccoを知らなかったあたしは、すごく楽しみにしてた。 あたしが知ってたCoccoは、PVやライブ映像で観た断片的なCoccoで、1枚のアルバムをちゃんと聴いたこともなかった。そして、そのころは、昔...

Distance/距离 / 是枝裕和

[加害者遺族]という複雑な心のありようを等身大の言葉で表現するのはARATA、伊勢谷友介、寺島進、浅野忠信ら、今までも是枝作品を支え、日本映画を突き動かす原動力となってきた魅力的な俳優たち。さらに夏川結衣、遠藤憲一、りょう、中村梅雀ら個性的な仕事が光る俳優たちが物語に深い陰影を与えている。 『ワンダフルライフ』でも印象的だったドキュメンタリーとドラマの新しい接点が、ここでも登場人物の豊かな造形につながっている。キャストに手渡された脚本はそれぞれの出演部分だけで、相手の台詞は書き込まれていない。俳優た...

現しよ(往復書簡 河瀨直美×是枝裕和)/ / 河瀨直美

河瀨直美と是枝裕和が、8ミリフィルムで綴る往復書簡。 1995年、河瀬が「につつまれて」「かたつもり」を出品していた山形国際ドキュメンタリーフィルムフェスティバルで二人は出会った。お互いの持つまなざしを確かめあおうと、横浜美術館主催の「煌ら」と題した上映会での発表をめざしてこの作品に取り組みはじめた。 物語は、河瀨の映像から始まり、電話をかける音のみが暗闇に響く...。電話の向こうでは、"只今留守にしています..."と録音された是枝の声が返ってくる。想いとは裏腹に冒頭からどこかすれ違う二人。やがて河瀬のまなざ...

Lion volatil, Le/ / Agnès Varda


Lions Love/ / Agnès Varda

The movie is totally a waste of precious time unless you are a great fan of any of the actors involved or like to see news clips of the 60's in California. The best part is the first part of the movie showing a scene out of a play "the Beard" with Billie Dixon and Richard Bright, but that is just about all you are going to see of Richard Bright. There seems to be no structure, no set script. I think anybody could have done a better job with other wanna be actors and a camcorder. I cant believe t...

Bonheur, Le/Happiness / Agnès Varda

A thing non-French users may not know:at the time,the male star,Jean-Claude Drouot was the brats' hero,Thierry la Fronde ,a miniseries where he portrayed a young French noble fighting against the "villains" (eg: the English) during the Hundred Years war. Casting the whole Drouot family (husband,wife,and children who all keep their first names in real life) was a risqué move for the sixties;And involving daddy in adultery was not particularly what they call "playing safe" ;and proving that the p...

Cléo de 5 à 7/ / Agnès Varda

"Cleo from 5 to 7" tells the story of a young French singer, who fears that she may be seriously ill. What could have been maudlin "movie of the week" soap opera, is transformed by Agnes Varda into a unique movie experience. The film contrasts Cleo's fear of death with the teeming life of the Paris streets, where street entertainers swallow live frogs and puncture their biceps; and the more normal members of the crowd busy themselves with the usual affairs of business and the heart. A large amo...

Jungfrukällan/ / Ingmar Bergman

Ingmar Bergman's classic (and influential) film about three brothers, two of whom rape and kill a young girl only to end up at the girl's house later that night where her father (Max von Sydow) seeks vengeance. This was my second viewing of this film and it was certainly better this second time even though I loved it on the first viewing. As I said last year, Wes Craven's The Last House on the Left and the Italian shocker House on the Edge of the Park ripped this film off quite heavily and went ...

Sjunde inseglet, Det/Det Sjunde inseglet / Ingmar Bergman

This classic is filled with a lot of memorable images - from the opening scenes on the seashore to the effective concluding shots, creative thoughts are combined with some fine camera work. There are several significant or interesting questions raised by the characters - from the imagery of the "Seventh Seal" in Revelation, to their simple but important concerns about eternity - but it is the way that the visuals play off of the ideas that make the movie so worthwhile. The recreation of the med...

Sommarnattens leende/ / Ingmar Bergman

This was director Ingmar Bergman's break-through film, the winner of the 1956 Grand Prix at the Cannes Film Festival, the first of his many internationally acclaimed films. The story is a time honored one, referencing the same tradition of romantic complications found in Shakespeare's A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM and Rostand's LA RONDE: every one is either in love with or married to the wrong person. A famous actress with two very different lovers invites both, their wives, and the son of one love...

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