O Pátio/ / Glauber Rocha
《天井》是巴西电影大师罗恰独立拍摄的第一部作品,13分钟无对话的先锋短片,剧中只有两个角色在巴伊亚州海边一处黑白棋盘状的庭院里进行表演。影片的主题比较抽象其实我也没看太懂,似乎是在借棋子的位置和演员的动作隐喻男人与女人之间的关系。尽管如此,影片还是初步展现出了罗恰以后电影中的一些主要特征,比如将大自然作为一个电影角色,还有对空间及周围环境的独特处理等。 格劳贝尔-罗恰1938年5月生于巴伊亚州的维多利亚市,9岁时随父母移居到首府萨尔瓦多,进入一家著名的教会学校学习。16岁时开始写电影评论,58年成为“巴伊...Cruise Wonderland/ / 羊立
影片讲述了“仙境”中的某一天,十个人静静地仰望着天空,他们是诗人、Lolita、修女、美丽、宋江、浪人、拉拉、英雄、美人鱼以及刺青。这是影片开头的一幕,看似没有关联的十个人,在影片中交错出现,在消失的过程中又互相留下对方的线索。这些线索可能是一个箱子,一幅画,一条项链,或者是一把锤子。不起眼的小物件,藏着各个角色内心的秘密。最后,“仙境”中只剩下了刺青一人,他收拾着现场,所有的一切似乎即将结束,所有的一切又似乎只是他的臆想。到底这是真实存在过仙境,还是只不过是梦境一场……The Knowledge of Healing/ / Franz Reichle
本片为第一部探讨西藏医学的纪录片。穿越北蒙古到北印度,纪录藏族治疗师如何治疗病人,到府问诊,彼此交换古老药草秘方的种种细节,企图探讨西藏医学所蕴含独特的佛学哲理与其独到药草疗效。并且辅以纪录对照在以色列及瑞士针对西藏医学所做的相关研究来测试西藏医学的疗效及其所使用的药草药物的可信度。 I remember being quite gutted on missing this one's limited release in November of last year, so once again, thank God for the Brixton Ritzy's European matinee's unearthing it for the week. The subject of this docum...醜女/BU・SU / 市川准
年他首次跨足电影This high-school drama is about a girl who wants to be a geisha (japanese prostitute). She lives with her aunt who runs a geisha-house. The movie follows the girl in school, where she's not accepted by other students and during her, not so succesfull, education for geisha at her aunts house. Live seems to get better when she's asked to perform on a schooltheater night, as a traditional dancer... The story is very chaotic, which a lot of irrelevant sidelines and a very sudden end...THE SAVAGE NEST/ / Geahiha Grigoras
一个少年的几个生活场景,他的麻烦和家庭困难致使他极想脱离他所生活的环境。Scenes from one child’s life, confronted with troubles and family difficulties resulting in the child’s wish to escape from this social environment.On The Verge Of Extinction/ / Lotte Vanhamel
一部关于生命的开始及其意义的电影。 SYNOPSIS:A film about the beginning of life and the meaning of itNuts and Bolts/ / Audreas Krain
故事发生在一处建筑钢架的高处:一个学徒,他的青蛙,工地领班,以及他们的午餐……High up on the steel supporters of a construction site: an apprentice, his frog,the site foreman, and a lunch break that never was…Gonzalo Arcillas First Sentimental Success/ / Luis Deltell
有一个九岁大的男孩爱上了一个十二岁的女孩,他家里是以在集市上买卖为生的。他的无穷的想象力和他的哥哥提供的建议一同使得他越来越接近那个女孩。 A nine-year-old boy whose family make a living in fairs is in love with a twelve-year-old girl. The flights of his imagination together with the advice of his elder brother bring him by turns closer and farther away from her.BOMBAY SUMMER/ / Raaghav Dar
本片由孟买贫民区两个普通人的生活写照组合而成。雷嘉是电影海报画家,而苏尼塔是女仆。我们窥看他们生活的某些特殊片段,他们不寻常的生活在这些“纪录访谈”中被重构了。A collage of the life of two ordinary people living in the slums of Bombay. Ranjan is a film poster artist and suneeta is a maidservant. Their extraordinary lives are reconstructed by the use of fictitious documentary interviews as we spy on their last moments together.The Poet’s Home/ / Ham Tabakman
独自在她自己的家里,一位年轻的女人正在创造一首诗。Alone at her home, a young women gives birth to a poemThe Substitute/ / Claudio Cicala
技术的能力。卢卡是聪明的和大胆的,他帮助学生们。埃曼纽拉可能是其中一个。Faculty of engineering. Luca clever and audacious, offer his help and assistance to students. Emanuele is a possible client.S.Korea/嘟哝 / Shin Dong Ho
在课室中,在街灯下,在起居室……在三处场所,三个不同年龄的女性同时感到失落:一个因为舒适太过,一个因为处处被当作受保护对象,一个因为想逃离乌托邦。三个人的人生既不同又相似。 In a classroom, under a street light, in a living room….In these three different places, three women of different ages simultaneously feel frustrated: one by the comfort surrounding her, the other by her protective space, and a third by a utopia from which she wants to escape. The three women are both different and the same.Mexico/旅程 / Gabriela Monroy
一个父亲和他的患孤独症的儿子在墨西哥城地铁中的旅程。A father and his autistics son take a trip on the Mexico City subwayLove/ / Aleksandr Lamakin
这是关于一个年轻士兵的故事。因为要参军,他与父母告别,离去It’s a story about a young soldier. He must go to army. He says good-bye to his parents and leave.For Your Blossom/ / Gaku Kinoshita
一位男孩找到了他自己的轨迹。A boy finds his own path..« 上一页 1 2 … 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 … 148 149 下一页 »