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生育报告/ / 文慧

台演出作品出发于1995年开始的对一些已有生育体验的妇女的采访和调查,年龄从近90岁到25岁,身份涉及工人、编辑、作家、健美教练、助产士、家庭妇女等等。以后的演员排练与训练,各人都带着自己的个人经历进入现场,声音均来自自己的体验,动作也原创于自己的身体,然后这台演出作品就形成了和“生育”、和自己相关的记录报告。 和“生育”有关的是,“生育”作为一个名词,在母亲的身体中、以及我们的记忆里曾是一种什么样的经验?和自己有关的是,“生育”作为一个动词,肯定不仅仅只是一种生理或医院的过程,它在我们的成长中是如何...

Kontakthof/ / Pina Bausch

Kontkthof 這個字在德文的解釋有兩個,一是指監獄中囚犯們「放風」時休息散步的區域,另一個是妓院中嫖客與妓女公開見面、相互打探彼此的沙龍(大房間、廳院),嫖客也在此挑選物色妓女。 《交際場》可以說相當地苦情,男女一直從彼此身上找尋愛和溫柔,但這尋找總是行不通,他們的寂寞令人難以忍受,天時地利人合,總是對不上。 Quelle: 《表演藝術》第九十九期,2001年3月 《交際場》老人版(Kontakthof mit Damen und Herrn ab 65) 2000 年,烏帕塔舞蹈劇場(Tanztheater Wuppertal)誠徵六十五歲以上男女來演出這個作品,大家毫無...

Café Müller/ / Pina Bausch

“It is a tragedy that there will be no further works from Pina Bausch. But it's a joy that what remains is so strong, so well-formed, so lacking in juvenilia or missteps. Her death shouldn't curtail her genius, but seal it. Instead of casting a shadow, it should throw a light. Ladies and gentlemen – Pina Bausch.” 這是Pina Bausch 早期作品,是令世人認識何謂“舞蹈劇場”的啟蒙之作,也是經典中的經典。 這部作品不但拓濶了“舞蹈”的邊界,也打動了無數的舞蹈愛好者,連西班牙導演艾慕杜華Pedro Almodovar...

Frühlingsopfer/Rite of Spring / Pina Bausch

1913年由史特拉汶斯基作曲、尼金斯基Nijinsky編舞開始,《春之祭》即成為舞蹈史上備受爭議的傳奇之作。 《春之祭》像是一貼附了咒的魔方,地球上的編舞們都為之著迷,都想排一個自己的《春之祭》,舞者們都想跳一下《春之祭》,接近一百年來不斷有世界各地(包括中國大陸、台北和香港)舞團上演自己版本的《春之祭》,神奇的是幾乎凡排演的都能成為一時佳作,這就是《春之祭》的不解之謎! 在眾多版本中,一致公認最不能錯過的,就是Pina Bausch的《春之祭》,這部極美的作品也是最能繼承Nijinsky和史特拉汶斯基的挑戰精神的版本,自1...

檻囚/ / 寺山修司


疱疮谭/ / 寺山修司

纳尔马蒂纳电影节特别奖,柏林电影节特别放映。    生疮就要治理,但有时因为治理而令人生疮。此片不断出现因不同的捆绑而令身体遭到变形及扭曲,呈现出绝妙的变形因果论。

石の詩/ / Toshio Matsumoto

The Song of Stone (1963) is an abstract, experimental piece from director Toshio Matsumoto, a filmmaker still best known for the avant-garde masterpiece, Funeral Parade of Roses (1969). Later in his career, he dedicated more of his time to artwork; creating a host of esoteric installation projects that stressed the use of repetitive visual design concepts and digital photographic techniques over the more recognisable film-making approach of Funeral Parade of Roses, or indeed, subsequent films li...

Ecstasis/ / Toshio Matsumoto


Andy Warhol: Re-Reproduction/Andy Warhol: Fukufukusei / Toshio Matsumoto

A kaleidoskopic image of Andy Warhol, presumably found footage from some interview, is slowed down and played over sudden bursts of white noise and Warhol's own distorted, delayed, voice. It doesn't really get anywhere, it's an experimental short after all, it's not meant to reaffirm preconceived notions of form but rather play with them, deconstruct them, and piece them back together in different abstract ways, see what comes of it. Maybe something unexpectedly great will emerge from the experi...

Archandel Gabriel a paní Husa/ / Jirí Trnka

一个破落户偷盗抢劫、欺骗妇女,简直无恶不作。而就是这样一个恶徒,竟然摇身一变,成为传经颂法的传教士,混迹于天国圣地之中。当然江山易改,本性难移,并非他就此弃恶从善,传教士身份不过是他为了进一步为非作歹的掩护而已。   美丽性感的鹫鸟夫人是恶徒所在教区的虔诚信徒,男人们为了她争风吃醋,好色无比的恶徒当然不会放过这只到嘴的天鹅。他发现鹫鸟夫人格外崇拜墙壁上的天使卡布丽叶,于是他蒙骗这个胸大无脑的女人,称只要借助他的帮助,就能邀请卡布丽叶降临夫人的闺房…… 

L'éclipse du soleil en pleine lune/The Eclipse / Georges Méliès

博学的天文学教授(Georges Méliès 乔治•梅里爱 饰)正在给学生们上课,但调皮的学生无心听讲,一心打闹、捉弄老师。教授对此无计可施。   正争吵间,天空忽然变暗,教授连忙跑上阁楼,通过望远镜他看到了奇妙的一幕:一个女性的月亮正朝着男性的太阳靠近,继而重合,形成一次美妙的日食。俄而天空出现星斗,神仙、仙女坐在星星上飞来飞去,或者谈笑,或者吵闹,好不惬意。接着又出现精彩的流星雨景观,仙女们自天空中纷纷落下。老教授看得出神,一不留神自阳台栽下,吓坏了学生和助手……One of a number of oddities in the filmogra...

Emak-Bakia/ / Man Ray

When the movie - a very short soundless abstract piece - was first exhibited, a man in the audience stood up and complained it was giving him a headache. Another man told him to shut up, and they both started to fight. They left the theater fighting and the police was called in to stop the fight

Mystères du château de Dé, Les/ / Man Ray

What happens if one gives a dadaist a camera, a modernist château, the cooperation of the patrons and château-owners, and friends? A pastiche of shaky travel images, poetic intertitles, absurd images of people with no faces (stockings or masks), inexplicable action, recurring episodes of dice-rolling, swimming in the handsome pool, exercise, and interiors. Footage cobbled together. Some good puns (piscinema) and such, but mostly tedious, full of dark, inexpert photography, obscure poetic tags, a...

Étoile de mer, L'/ / Man Ray

Robert Desnos 的诗      Two people stand on a road, out of focus. Seen distorted through a glass, they retire upstairs to a bedroom where she undresses. He says, "Adieu." Images: the beautiful girl, a starfish in a jar, city scenes, newspapers, tugboats. More images: starfish, the girl. "How beautiful she is." Repeatedly. He advances up the stair, knife in hand, starfish on the step. Three people stand on a road, out of focus. "How beautiful she was." "How beautiful she is." "Beautiful." ...

È colpa del sole/ / Alberto Moravia

阿尔贝托·莫拉维亚(Alberto Moravia),二十世纪最伟大的意大利小说家,他不仅是一位优秀的现实主义作家,出版了包括《冷漠的人们》《罗马女人》《烦闷》等近三十部短篇和长篇小说,以及不少评论集和游记等等,而且还是一位出色的编剧,新现实主义导演德西卡的《两个女人》《昨天今天与明天》,戈达的《轻蔑》,贝托鲁奇的《同流者》等很多电影都是改编自他的剧本或小说。   但也有很多人不知道的是,莫拉维亚在一九五一年曾经自编自导过一部短片,而这部名叫《太阳的罪恶》的短片也成为他一生中唯一的电影作品,随着时间的流逝,这部...

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