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"The Blues"

影片概述 . . . . . .

I really enjoyed this series overall, but on the "Red, White & Blues" piece, I was absolutely dismayed and disgusted to see Tom Jones (and hear him sing) portrayed as ANYONE who had ANYTHING to do with the blues movement. Why no George Harrison (this being the British related blues) and why so little of Keith Richards (among many other British blues artists omitted)? There was plenty of Clapton, Beck, Mayall and a few others that were and are truly blues-oriented guys. Mr. Figgis ruined this one with Jones. What a turn off. I give all the others in this series a 10/10 and a 5 for Figgis version and only that much because he did include, although way less than he should have, a small sampling of the blues excellence that came out of Great Britain beginning in the '60's. 美国公共电视台(PBS)为了庆祝“蓝调年”,以连续七天,每天将近两小时(含制作说明与相关纪录片)的大手笔,播出由导演马丁·斯科塞斯担任总监制的七部纪录片,统称为《布鲁斯——百年蓝调音乐之旅》。
  Directed by
  Charles Burnett (episode "Warming by the Devil's Fire")
  Clint Eastwood (episode "Piano Blues")
  Mike Figgis (episode "Red, White and Blues")
  Marc Levin (episode "Godfathers and Sons")
  Richard Pearce (episode "The Road to Memphis")
  Martin Scorsese (episode "Feel Like Going Home")
  Wim Wenders (episode "The Soul of a Man") 

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