片名: | 歌 |
其它片名: | /Song |
导演: | 炭叹 |
片长: | 6分钟 |
年份: | 2007年 |
类型: | 试验片 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | |
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影片概述 . . . . . .
A man sit quietly, he outstretch his hands, and doing some movements in the empty space. Gradually, we see he’s acting like playing a guitar, and then, a guitar turn up in his hands……
The film is a documentation of the road on which the young have traveled for pursuing art dreams. The dreams maybe about music, or about film, literature, etc……
A man sit quietly, he outstretch his hands, and doing some movements in the empty space. Gradually, we see he’s acting like playing a guitar, and then, a guitar turn up in his hands……
The film is a documentation of the road on which the young have traveled for pursuing art dreams. The dreams maybe about music, or about film, literature, etc……
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