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FANHALL ID: if01540
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片名: Сталкер
其它片名: 潜行者/Stalker
导演: Andrei Tarkovsky
编剧: Andrei Tarkovsky, Boris Strugatsky
制片人: Aleksandra Demidova, Willie Geller
摄影: Georgi Rerberg, Aleksandr Knyazhinsky, Leonid Kalashnikov
美术: Shavkat Abdusalamov
声音: Vladimir Sharun
剪辑: Lyudmila Feiginova
主演: Anatoli Solonitsyn, Alisa Frejndlikh, Aleksandr Kaidanovsky
音乐: Eduard Artemyev
片长: 163分钟
年份: 1979年
类型: 科幻 / 悬疑
国别: 苏联/西德
语言: 俄语 
制作机构: Gambaroff-Chemier Interallianz

影片概述 . . . . . .

The Region 2 Artificial Eye DVD includes interesting interviews with the cameraman and production designer. The production designer reveals that the film was completed only to be destroyed because it had been shot on experimental Kodak and couldn't be developed - a whole year's work was ruined. He proposes the possibility that the authorities of the time didn't want it to be developed. The incident nearly destroyed Tarkovsky. He was finally persuaded to go back and film a new Stalker, this time on a shoestring budget.

What does the film mean? Ask me again when I've watched it maybe ten times.

Certainly the Zone means more to Stalker than the Room. The Room is his living, but the Zone is an escape, a sanctuary from the noisy, industrial rusting slum where he lives (captured brilliantly in metallic sepia). In the Zone everything eventually returns to nature - like a pastoral coral reef growing on a battleship lichen and mosses engulf factory buildings and tanks. His first action on arriving there is to leave the other two occupied while he communes with the natural things growing in the zone, the grasses, the dew, the soil, the tiny worm that dances head-over-tail down his hand.

A beautiful, great and puzzling film. But then if it revealed all its secrets straight off then, apart from the beautiful visuals and the soundtrack it would be pointless watching it again. Great art only leaches out its secrets gradually and only to those with the desire to learn them. 清晨,潜行者起身告别妻子,离开自己的家与两个人汇合。他们悄无声息地穿梭在各种恐怖复杂的地形之中。原来在二十年前,一颗陨星坠落到地球上的一个俄罗斯小镇上,很多人因此丧生。人们从这片神秘的地区出走并消失。传说那里有个叫The Room 的内室,只要找到进入这个房间的大门,就能满足人们的愿望从此过上幸福的生活。军队采取措施用铁丝网将那块区域封锁起来,严格禁止人们前往。但是,为了摆脱困苦和绝望的现状,依然有大批人冒险进入该地。潜行者曾经被另一个著名的潜行者训练过,他现在的职业就是凭借自己丰富的经验,穿过地区内千变万化的陷阱和圈套,给人们当向导,引领到那扇大门。这次雇佣潜行者的两个人,一个是作家还有一个是科学家。在恐怖地区,所有都似是而非。物体不断变换位置,地形也一直变化。似乎有一种不明智慧在有意阻碍人们穿过其边界。影片以宁静的影像,高度的隐喻,令人难忘地探讨了灵魂的本质。塔可夫斯基运用色彩转换描绘了潜意识和外部世界。那个内室真实或臆想的能力原来对这些疲倦不堪、矛盾重重的寻求者是无意义的。一切仅仅是在路上。

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本片出自《索拉瑞斯》的制作班子,大量使用长镜头,制造了神秘的气氛。影片含有高度的隐喻和象征意味,映象具有史诗片的气质,内容却是一部有深度的科幻电影,许多场景壮观而肃穆,让观众难以咀嚼,但忠实的电影研究者却有广阔的多种联想空间。 在警察官员帽子的徽章上面印有两个字母:AT.这是导演Andrei Tarkovsky名字的开头字母。

·1957年,在苏联车里亚宾斯克附近的一个名叫玛雅卡的工厂,发生了一场核灾难,从未对外宣布过此事件。这场灾难成为导演塔科夫斯基运用到电影创作中的素材,除此之外还有一个短篇小说"The Roadside Picnic"(路旁的野餐)。方圆几百里的土地都被放射物污染了。俄罗斯官方直到1992年才承认了这起事故以及该区确实存在。在《潜行者》完成的7年之后,震惊世人的切尔诺贝利核事故发生了。切尔诺贝利核电站的看管员门把自己比作是"潜行者",被抛弃的这块地方比作是"区"。这是令人十分尴尬的巧合。



Writer: My conscience wants vegetarianism to win over the world. And my subconscious is yearning for a piece of juicy meat. But what do I want?

——2009-04-07 22:27:26,4444上传

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