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导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

Bodil Awards
2005 Won Bodil Best Actress (Bedste kvindelige hovedrolle)
Nominated Bodil Best Actor (Bedste mandlige hovedrolle)
Best Actor (Bedste mandlige hovedrolle)
Best Film (Bedste danske film)
Best Supporting Actor (Bedste mandlige birolle)

Boston Independent Film Festival
2005 Won Audience Award Narrative

Cannes Film Festival
2006 Won UCMF Film Music Award

Créteil International Women's Film Festival
2005 Won Audience Award Best Feature Film (Meilleur Long Metràge Fiction)

European Film Awards
2005 Nominated Audience Award Best Actor
Best Actress
European Film Award Best Actor
Best Actress
Best Composer
Best Director
Best Film
Best Screenwriter

Hamburg Film Festival 
2004 Won Critics Award

Indianapolis International Film Festival
2005 Won Special Jury Prize Performance
To the ensemble cast of the film.

Robert Festival
2005 Won Robert Best Screenplay, Original (Årets originalmanuskript)
Nominated Robert Best Actor (Årets mandlige hovedrolle)
Best Editor (Årets klipper)
Best Song (Årets sang)
Best Special Effects/Lighting (Årets special effects/lys)
Best Supporting Actor (Årets mandlige birolle
Best Supporting Actor (Årets mandlige birolle)

San Sebastián International Film Festival
2004 Won Silver Seashell Best Actor
Best Actress
Nominated Golden Seashell

Skip City International D-Cinema Festival
2005 Won Best Picture - Feature Length 

Sundance Film Festival
2005 Won Audience Award World Cinema - Dramatic
Nominated Grand Jury Prize World Cinema - Dramatic
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