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Regret to Inform

FANHALL ID: if00089
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片名: Regret to Inform
其它片名: 越南之旅
导演: Barbara Sonneborn
编剧: Barbara Sonneborn
制片人: Barbara Sonneborn, Kathy Brew, Janet Cole, Megan Jones, Daniel Reeves, Todd Wagner
摄影: Daniel Reeves, Emiko Omori, Nancy Schiesari
声音: Lisa Baro, Julie Konop, Samuel Lehmer, Barbara McBane, Jeremy Molod, Erich Stratmann, Elizabeth Thompson, Jennifer L. Ware, Zacharia Pineda
剪辑: Lucy Massie Phenix, Ken Schneider
主演: Barbara Sonneborn, Xuan Ngoc Nguyen
音乐: Todd Boekelheide
片长: 72分钟
年份: 1999年
类型: 纪录
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Sun Fountain Productions

影片概述 . . . . . .


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获得奖项 . . . . . .

Academy Awards, USA
1999 Nominated Oscar Best Documentary, Features

Ann Arbor Film Festival
1999 Won Jury Award Award for Narrative Integrity
Denver International Film Festival
1999 Won People's Choice Award Documentary Film
Tied with American Movie (1999).

Human Rights Watch International Film Festival
1999 Won Nestor Almendros Award
Tied with Ciudad, La (1998).

Independent Spirit Awards
1999 Won Truer Than Fiction Award

International Documentary Association
1998 Won Video Source Award

Peabody Awards
2001 Won Peabody Award 
San Francisco International Film Festival
1999 Won Golden Spire Bay Area Film & Video - Documentary

Sundance Film Festival
1999 Won Cinematography Award Documentary
Emiko Omori
Also for Rabbit in the Moon (1999).

Directing Award Documentary
Barbara Sonneborn

Nominated Grand Jury Prize Documentary
Barbara Sonneborn

Valladolid International Film Festival
1999 Won Best Documentary
Barbara Sonneborn
For its universality in revealing the suffering produced by war which goes far beyond victors and defeated.

Vermont International Film Festival
1999 Won Best of Festival
Barbara Sonneborn
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