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Identificazione di una donna

FANHALL ID: if01831
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片名: Identificazione di una donna
其它片名: 一个女人的身份证明/Identification d'une femme
导演: Michelangelo Antonioni
编剧: Michelangelo Antonioni, Tonino Guerra, Gérard Brach
制片人: Renzo Rossellini, Antonio Macri, Giorgio Nocella, Alessandro von Norman
摄影: Carlo Di Palma
美术: Antonio Tarolla
声音: Michael Billingsley
剪辑: Michelangelo Antonioni
主演: Tomas Milian, Daniela Silverio, Christine Boisson, Lara Wendel, Veronica Lazar
音乐: John Foxx
片长: 128分钟
年份: 1982年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利 法国
语言: 意大利语 英语 法语
制作机构: Iterfilm

影片概述 . . . . . .

Possibly the most atmospheric film I ever seen, it made a huge impact when I first saw it, and that opinion has never changed. If there is one film that conveys the mystery of life this is it. It is also a highly evocative picture of Italy from the perspective of the upper middle classes in the late Seventies. Crying out for a DVD release as the photography was excellent too on the original film showings.电影导演尼科洛·法拉刚刚离婚,创作上又遇到了危机。他和一个叫马维的女孩交往,有个男人也在追求着马维。尼科洛正在准备拍摄一部爱情片,但却始终无法选出女主角。他和马维为了躲避另外男人的追踪,开车前往乡下,但他和马维都搞不清楚两人的感情和关系。马维后来却失踪了,尼科洛怎么也找不到。

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