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Vitelloni, I

FANHALL ID: if01318
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片名: Vitelloni, I
其它片名: 浪荡儿/i Vitellon
导演: Federico Fellini
编剧: Federico Fellini, Tullio Pinelli, Ennio Flaiano
制片人: Jacques Bar, Mario De Vecchi, Lorenzo Pegoraro
摄影: Otello Martelli, Carlo Carlini, Luciano Trasatti
剪辑: Rolando Benedetti
主演: Franco Fabrizi, Franco Interlenghi, Alberto Sordi
音乐: Nino Rota
片长: 107分钟
年份: 1953年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利/法国
语言: 意大利语

影片概述 . . . . . .

Enjoyed this Foreign film produced by Federico Fellini film depicting a group of men who really do not like to work and manage to live off their families and love to drink, party and love women. There is a nice young couple who love each other, however, this woman becomes pregnant and creates a difficulty between the couple and even though he loves his wife he is always hitting on other women for romance. This story goes into great detail about each of these vagabond men who never seem to advance themselves in life and have no desire to leave their local Italian town and never seem to stop and grow up. This is a rather long film, but is very down to earth about life in Italy and the hopes and dreams of women and men and is a great Fellini Classic Film.

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