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FANHALL ID: if00528
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片名: 唱盤上的單行道
其它片名: 唱盘上的单行道/One-Way Street on a Turntable
导演: 麦海珊
主演: 梁以文
片长: 74分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 试验纪录片
语言: 廣東話、普通話、英語
格式: 彩色、黑白

影片概述 . . . . . .

這部電影是一個歷史的對照 --


這不是簡化的對大歷史提出不滿,我只是想用/再挪用 ﹣﹣實驗電影/紀錄片/ MV/田野錄音的語言去講故事,去講好幾個我們自己的故事。


This film is about how people understand Hong Kong and Hong Kongers,
thus also about how we understand ourselves, as Hong Kongers.

Tracing personal histories from spatial memories is the essence of this film. The juxtaposition of two stories on "first home" – director's story (as a local born Hong Konger) in Kwun Tong and the actress' story (a new immigrant from China to Hong Kong in the 80's) in Mei Foo Sun Chuen, may re-inscribe Hong Kong history and Hong
Kongers' changing identities in a more interesting way than what the grand narrative history offers, be it the British colonial government, or the seemingly self-governed Hong Kong government under People's Republic of China and identities… have been tarrying between moving and rootedness…

导演阐述 . . . . . .

获得奖项 . . . . . .

*2007香港、新加坡、洛杉磯亞太平區、台北電影節、Cinema Digital首爾、溫哥華電影節參展電影
* Official selection, Hong Kong, Singapore, Los Angeles Asian Pacific, Taipei, Cinema Digital Seoul, Vancouver International Film Festival 2007

评论列表(2) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

用历史的对照,去讲自己的故事 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-12-23 13:09:44   6回应
可能是导演的感知力超乎寻常,身兼数职,都各有成就。从导演自己的阐述和影片的介绍中不难看出, 她的哲学思想、她的行事风格之于生活、之于电影,都...

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