片名: | 独生子 |
其它片名: | /Only Child |
导演: | 崔子恩 |
编剧: | 崔子恩 |
制片人: | 崔子恩 |
摄影: | 杨瑾 |
声音: | 李自强 |
剪辑: | 钟义娟 |
主演: | 孟诺, 邵宇华, 史超 |
音乐: | fm3 |
片长: | 70分钟 |
年份: | 2007年 |
类型: | 剧情片 |
国别: | 中国 |
语言: | 普通话 |
格式: |
影片概述 . . . . . .
Xiao Shao has a house as vast as the sky and the earth. He looks around for a housemate. The qualifications are: he should be an only son of the family like Xiao Shao himself, a first time visitor to the planet Earth, and carry with him a bottle which stores philosophy.
Xiao Chao, Nuo Nuo and Mao Mao came for Xiao Shao in succession. They each lived with Xiao Shao in a philosophical way. Afterwards, they left Xiao Shao one by one and let Xiao Shao set the bottles containing their philosophies free into the ocean.
In the meantime, at another corner of the world, Xiao Bo is also seeking for his housemate, just like Xiao Shao.
Xiao Shao has a house as vast as the sky and the earth. He looks around for a housemate. The qualifications are: he should be an only son of the family like Xiao Shao himself, a first time visitor to the planet Earth, and carry with him a bottle which stores philosophy.
Xiao Chao, Nuo Nuo and Mao Mao came for Xiao Shao in succession. They each lived with Xiao Shao in a philosophical way. Afterwards, they left Xiao Shao one by one and let Xiao Shao set the bottles containing their philosophies free into the ocean.
In the meantime, at another corner of the world, Xiao Bo is also seeking for his housemate, just like Xiao Shao.
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The 12nd Pusan International Film Festival
The 12nd Pusan International Film Festival
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