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FANHALL ID: if01746
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片名: 奶奶的老房子
其它片名: Her Dear Old House
导演: 山本起也
制片人: 伊势真一, 岩水正敏, 米山靖
摄影: 内藤雅行
声音: 渡边丈彦
剪辑: 辻井好子, 菊池玲子, 佐藤洋子
主演: 寺岛进
音乐: 谷川贤作
片长: 80分钟
年份: 2006年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
格式: 彩色/16毫米

影片概述 . . . . . .


Chinese Subtitles translation:Hua Chun
“I’m lonely,” said Grandma. She’d been living by herself for some ten years, ever since Grandpa died.
Her days passed simply.
Every morning, she had the same breakfast: two slices of bread with natto (fermented soybeans), with freshly squeezed apple juice.
Now, everything was about to change. Her house was going to be torn down so that she could move in with her son and his wife.
Director Tatsuya YAMAMOTO, known for his documentary about young boxers training at a small gym along the Tama River, has created a quiet summer requiem, an affectionate portrait of his grandmother and her house in its final days.

导演阐述 . . . . . .

Last year, I got to know Feng Yan, the Chinese director of the film Bingai, at the International Documentary Film Festival of Navarra-Punto De Vista in Spain. Since that was my first time attending an international film festival, every day I spent all my time drinking and thus missed her film. However, when I heard that her film was about a woman who would loss her home due to the construction of a dam, I realized what a curious coincidence it was. My film, Her Dear Old House, was also about the loss of a home. These two films are different in that the heroine in Bingai fights with her fate persistently, while the heroine in Her Dear Old House, my 90-year-old grandma, accepts all her fate, standing in between life and death. One year later, when Bingai was publicly exhibited in Japan, after watching, I went to congratulate Feng Yan. At that time, I was invited to attend the Beijing film festival. What a curious coincidence that film brought to me again! I look forward sincerely to getting to know more of the Chinese audience at this film festival.(March 2009, in Tokyo)

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