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FANHALL ID: if03346
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片名: 透析
其它片名: /Judge 
导演: 刘杰
编剧: 刘杰, 高山
制片人: 廖庆松
摄影: Ryuji Otsuka
美术: 于黎海
声音: 杨昕
主演: 奇道, 梅婷, 倪大宏, 郑铮
音乐: 林强
片长: 98分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话
格式: 35mm
制作机构: 3C Films Co.

影片概述 . . . . . .


This story happened in 1997 in a small city in northern China. A criminal named Qiuwu was sentenced to death for stealing two cars. The lead Judge on this case, Judge Tian, had just lost his daughter in a tragic traffic accident – she was killed by a stolen car. A change in the law creates an opportunity for Qiuwu to avoid execution... At the same time, Qiuwu tries to lighten his sentence by offering to donate one of his kidneys – creating a chance for a rich businessman named Lee to survive a terminal illness. Lee sets to work paying Qiuwu’s family and greasing the wheels of the system so he can secure the kidney... Lee discovers that the only way to secure the kidney is after Qiuwu’s execution – an execution that is now being questioned based on the new changes in the law... On the execution ground, a hard decision awaits Judge Tian..

导演阐述 . . . . . .


January 1, 2007, the Supreme Court took back the review right of death penalty. That news reminded me about a true story, in which a young guy was sentenced to death for merely stealing two cars a decade ago. Are we going to be surprised from the loose death penalty standard when we look back 10 years from now? Through my film, I hope people can start thinking more about life and death and the philosophy behind them.

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