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FANHALL ID: if02089
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片名: 七影篇
其它片名: /Lucky7
导演: 巫俊峰, Sun Koh, K Rajagopa, 周子川, Brian Gothong Tan, 何子彦, 孙晓萍
编剧: 巫俊峰, Sun Koh, K Rajagopa, 周子川, Brian Gothong Tan, 何子彦, 孙晓萍
制片人: Sun Koh
摄影: Brian Gothong Tan
剪辑: Sun Koh, Brian Gothong Tan, Boo Junfeng, Chew Tze Chuan, Chris Yeo
主演: Sunny Pang
片长: 83分钟
年份: 2008年
国别: 新加坡
制作机构: 幸运7电影公司

影片概述 . . . . . .


In January 2007, 7 filmmakers from Singapore started playing a game of exquisite-corpse. Each filmmaker attempts a 10 - 12 minute segment of a feature film continued by the next filmmaker who knows only what took place in the last minute of the previous segment. The only condition is to use the same main actor. Along with other helpers, they assist each other to finish the entire film. LUCKY 7, a multi-genre roller-coaster ride of a feature film, is the result of this experiment.

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