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Badkonake sefid

FANHALL ID: if01704
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片名: Badkonake sefid
其它片名: 白气球/The White Balloon
导演: Jafar Panahi
编剧: Jafar Panahi, Abbas Kiarostami (
制片人: Kurosh Mazkouri, Foad Nour
摄影: Farzad Jadat
声音: Said Ahmadi, Mojtaba Mortazavi, Mehdi Dejbodi
剪辑: Jafar Panahi
主演: Aida Mohammadkhani, Mohsen Kafili, Fereshteh Sadre Orafaiy, Anna Borkowska
片长: 85分钟
年份: 1995年
类型: 剧情
国别: 伊朗
语言: 波斯语
制作机构: Ferdos Films

影片概述 . . . . . .

I had the pleasure of watching this movie last year. I have recommended it to countless others since. There is something about this movie that stays with you and is absolutely unforgettable. I can't quite put my finger on it. The pace is slow and purposeful. The little girl and her brother are adorable. The minor characters are fantastic, including the tailor and the difficult customer. I found myself laughing out loud several times during the movie, The themes are universal. It was very easy to forget it took place in a different country in another language. It is all familiar and at the same time, revolutionary. I can watch this over and over. It may be a perfect film.


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