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FANHALL ID: if00680
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片名: 老年男女
导演: 訾瀚
制片人: 王惠
摄影: 訾瀚
剪辑: 訾瀚, 王惠
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


In the city of Jinan of Shandong, there is this match-making agency for the elderly. A group of hopeful single elderly will meet regularly on Wednesdays and Saturdays at the agency.
Our main character, Mr. Jia is a widower. He was an executive for a state-owned company before he retired. His wife passed away 8 years ago. He has frequented this agency for the last 3 years with the hope to find another partner in life. Even though he is actually 84 years of age, he tells everyone that he is only 54. To Mr. Jia, the ideal candidate should be young and beautiful.
Lady Zhang, nick named Gan Ma, is another main character in this film. Gan Ma is a 77 years old widow. Her husband passed away two years ago. She has lovely personality and is very popular at the dating agency. This place breathes new hope in life for these elderly. However, the reality might not turn out the way they hope for.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


When it comes to being single, they are often perceived as being young men or women but the elderly has been disregarded.
Initially, this topic has been chosen out of the curiosity I had about the type of single elderly who turns up at dating agency.
My initial observation confirmed the expectations I always have. They meet and spend their time at the agency, looking for possible dating partner, passing time, friendship and fun, with inevitable arguments that entail. As I spend more time with them, my observations began to exceed my imagination. People seem to be controlled by their desires as they could not escape this force till the end of their life. But, this is what life is all about, isn’t it?
China’s ageing population is growing. The elderly make up a large proportion of the society. Caring for the elderly should not be taken lightly as this will be your future.

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