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Nostos: Il ritorno

FANHALL ID: if04896
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片名: Nostos: Il ritorno
其它片名: 尤利西斯归来
导演: Franco Piavoli
编剧: Franco Piavoli
制片人: Giannandrea Pecorelli
摄影: Franco Piavoli
主演: Bruno Minniti
音乐: Giuseppe Mazzucca  
片长: 85分钟
年份: 1990年
类型: 剧情
国别: 意大利
语言: 古希腊语
制作机构: Cooperativa Immaginazione

影片概述 . . . . . .

At the end of the war, Nostos, the wandering hero, with his companions begins his sail back home to the Mediterranean. The conclusion of his adventure is delayed by many natural obstacles and he takes an internal journey of fleeting memories of his childhood, his parents, love for a beautiful girl, nostalgia for the past, regret for what he did, and the deep silence that envelops everything. He confronts the most terrible loneliness following a shipwreck in which all the comrades perish.  

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