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索玛花开 Suoma Flowers.txt

FANHALL ID: if00858
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片名: 索玛花开 Suoma Flowers.txt
其它片名: 索玛花开/Suoma Flowers
导演: 黄哲伦
制片人: 朱映璇
摄影: 黄哲伦
主演: 呷布嫫诗微
片长: 30分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 中国
语言: 国语、四川话、彝语

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The Liangshan Yi people area with the slavery systems has been lasting till 1952 still keeps ways of ancient traditions. Fire festival held for hundreds of years starts June 24th with Moon Calendar every year. Meanwhile, the traditional convention Beauty selection which Aduyi people hold on to is starting to make its own crowds. The video has recorded about three girls with distinguished dreams at the very moment of the time changing in Liang Mountain.

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