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FANHALL ID: if00535
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片名: 三條窄路
其它片名: 三条窄路/Three Narrow Gates
导演: 崔允信
主演: 廖启智, 王亦蓝, 蒋祖曼, 张颖康, 王武霞
片长: 105分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 中国香港
语言: 广东话

影片概述 . . . . . .


It has been ten years since the historical handover of Hong Kong from Britain to China. However, Hong Kong’s progress toward democracy is still dissatisfactory today while people in the society tend to play safe and be indifferent to the political environment.
6277 is a good-for-nothing who was kicked out from the police force due to his addiction to gambling and the subsequent debts, Eva is a green and aggressive woman reporter who is eager for promotion. Mr Ma is a pastor who is reproached for hosting a programme on social commentary on the radio. The three have been unrelated until now a murder in a law firm links them together, and leads them to unmask a scandal about some secret deals between the dominating business tycoons and the governments in Hong Kong and Mainland China.
The Bible says, “Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it (Mathew 7:14). “It is a long and difficult road to truths and justice. Could the three protagonists be conscious and determined enough to persevere in revealing the truth while people around them are either

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* Closing Film, ‘Hong Kong Asian Independent Film Festival’ 2008

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对不起,我被大陆独立电影教坏了 [展开/收起]
卢志新   2008-12-29 17:33:48   3回应
背叛是假象之一 ——高压线是切割还是诗意? [展开/收起]
4444   2008-12-29 16:31:26   2回应
背叛是假象之一 高压线时诗意还是切割?三条宰路要是变成四条就更好了。 过期警察与大陆妓女之间的倚靠、怜爱、暧昧让我成就了一个伟岸的假象。谋...
我很期待的片子! [展开/收起]
小小猫   2008-12-22 13:30:37   6回应

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