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FANHALL ID: if00335
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(共 1 人评价)
片名: 八佰棒
其它片名: /Letters from Death Row
导演: 柯枫
编剧: 柯枫
制片人: 柯枫, 桃子
摄影: 张骥
美术: 于黎海
声音: 王长瑞
剪辑: 方镭
主演: 邸越明, 苏丽, 寒丰, 陈春雨
音乐: 徐向荣
片长: 93分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情
国别: 中国
语言: 普通话

影片概述 . . . . . .


A small-time crook in China's maximum security prison is assigned the dubious task of recording the last wishes of the death row inmates scheduled for execution. Surrounded by men who are immersed in desperation, his close encounters with the condemned criminals shows him the darkest side of humanity. But he finds romance with the beautiful female prison radio station announcer, despite the watchful eyes of the wardens and the threat of execution hanging over her.

导演阐述 . . . . . .



获得奖项 . . . . . .

Best Film (Rome Asian Film Festival)
Critic Prize (Munich International Film Festival)
Grand Prix/Best Film (Split International Film Festival)

评论列表(10) . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

根据真人真事改编 [展开/收起]
网管   2008-11-21 15:11:35   1回应
听着名字觉得怪怪的,看了简介才知道是根据真人真事改编 不看白不看。
Kevin Feng Ke: “We want to make a portrait of human condition in the death row” [展开/收起]
Kafka   2009-04-20 15:21:55   0回应
Letters From Death Row tells the story of an inmate of a Chinese prison who has been chosen to record the last wills of prisoners in the De...
 Letters from Death Row Non piangete per loro, sono già morti! [展开/收起]
Kafka   2009-04-20 13:57:47   0回应
http://www.cinemavvenire.it/citta-invisibili/non-piangete-per-loro-sono-gia-morti/letters-from-death-row Titolo vincitore della nona edizio...
Letters from Death Row conquers the Eteral City [展开/收起]
Kafka   2009-04-20 13:33:13   0回应
Asiatica Report 9th Asiatica Film Mediale of Rome - February 1, 2009 Country: Italy By: Keoprasith Souvannavong The Asiatica Film Medial...
罗马亚洲电影节评奖结果 [展开/收起]
Kafka   2008-12-12 01:05:30   0回应
The 9th Edition of AsiaticaFilmMediale The jury decided to award first prize CITY OF ROME AWARD for Best Feature Film to Letters from...

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107cine(创建者), Kafka

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monti北京独立电影展 看过
评分: 9分 年月:2009.11
评注: 很扎实

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