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Deux anglaises et le continent, Les

FANHALL ID: if01368
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片名: Deux anglaises et le continent, Les
其它片名: 两个英国女孩与欧陆
导演: François Truffaut
编剧: François Truffaut, Henri-Pierre Roché
摄影: Néstor Almendros
剪辑: Martine Barraqué, Yann Dedet
主演: Jean-Pierre Léaud, Kika Markham, Stacey Tendeter
音乐: Georges Delerue
片长: 116分钟
年份: 1971年
类型: 剧情
国别: 法国
语言: 法语/英语
制作机构: Les Films du Carrosse

影片概述 . . . . . .

The two English sisters are as different as night and day. Yet they wear similar costumes. The young man who loves them does a highly believable job throughout the story. The seaside scenery and the young man's acting carry the movie through. The young man's love for Muriel is almost heartbreaking.

Truffaut is at his strongest with this film. He balances French sensitivity with English fullness of personality quite well. I like this better than most of Truffaut's other movies. The movie does not lag at all.

Throughout the movie we are left to wonder. Will it be Muriel? Will it be Anne? The two sisters do good acting jobs. The casting of Muriel was excellent, as her face was very distinctive.

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