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The Underground Orchestra

FANHALL ID: if03635
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片名: The Underground Orchestra
其它片名: 地下乐团
导演: Heddy Honigmann
片长: 108分钟
年份: 1997年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 法国/荷兰

影片概述 . . . . . .

  影片的主人公包括来自委内瑞拉的竖琴手、来自萨拉热窝的小提琴家、来自阿根廷的钢琴家、来自马里的歌手和来自罗马尼亚的琴师。虽然影片片名是“地下乐队”,而影片的初衷也是拍摄这些人们在巴黎地铁卖艺的生活,但片中描述了很多他们在地面上的生活。一方面,因为爆炸袭击事件的发生,巴黎政府严禁在地铁拍摄。同时,“地下世界”的人们也有许多“地上”的故事:他们中的大多数都因为政治原因离乡背井,现在作为非法移民在法国生活。他们居住在巴黎人家里狭小的“保姆房”,或者那些昂贵但简陋的小旅馆。慢慢地,他们的演奏活动走上了正轨,间或出入录音棚和音乐厅,还加入了浮日广场街边拱廊下一支“地下乐队”的演奏。of the Parisian subway.
A Venezuelan harp player, a violinist from Sarajevo, an Argentine piano player, a Malian singer and a Romanian zither player are the miscellaneous leading characters in this documentary by Heddy Honigmann. Although the film is called ‘The Underground Orchestra’ and initially seems to deal with people who eke out a living by playing music in the passages of the Parisian subway, the scene of the action gradually shifts to life aboveground. On the one hand, because shooting a film in the Parisian subway is forbidden since a series of bomb attacks took place here. On the other hand, an "underground" world also seems to exist above ground: many of the musicians portrayed have left their native countries for political reasons and are currently living in France as illegal aliens. Their dwellings are teeny "chambres de bonne" under the roofs of Parisian houses, or overpriced but shabby hotel rooms. Little by little, their musical activities are streamlined. They can be found in recording studios and concert halls. They have also joined forces in a real "underground orchestra," which plays underneath the arcades near the Place des Vosges.

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  温哥华电影节Chief Dan George 人权奖(1998)
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