Ansikte mot ansikte
片名: | Ansikte mot ansikte |
其它片名: | 面对面/Face to Face |
导演: | Ingmar Bergman |
编剧: | Ingmar Bergman |
制片人: | Lars-Owe Carlberg |
摄影: | Sven Nykvist |
声音: | Owe Svensson |
剪辑: | Siv Lundgren |
主演: | Erland Josephson, Liv Ullmann, Aino Taube |
音乐: | Käbi Laretei |
片长: | 114分钟 |
年份: | 1976年 |
类型: | 剧情 |
国别: | 瑞典 |
语言: | 瑞典语 |
格式: | |
制作机构: | Cinematograph AB |
影片概述 . . . . . .
The Greeks were the first to understand it: the best dramatic performances are given by women because they have a way of letting out every emotion with the most compelling force. Bergman also understood this and I think his best movies are those that star women in tense dramatic situations: Persona, Cries and Whispers, Passion of Annam Through a Glass Darkly and Face to Face. The long and fruitful collaboration between Bergman and Liv Ulman is one of the greatest director-actor in movie history comparable with Fellini-Massina, Scorsese-De Niro and Welles-himself. Unlike other collaborations Bergman used Ulman in a variety of roles, always changing something substantial, never letting the viewer down. I knew Bergman can reach high intensity but I never guessed that he can go so far as he goes here. The story of a psychiatrist that thinks she has everything sorted out in her life but finds out that she has it worse than her patients really left me speechless. Bergman explored madness before in Hour of the Wolf; in that movie as in this one the viewer is confronted with the decision of what is real and what is in the imagination of the character making the cinematic journey thrilling and surprising 厄尔曼扮演一个心理医生,到爷爷的乡间别墅度假,但家庭往事导致她陷入忧郁的深谷,并产生幻觉,以致心理崩溃,试图自杀。
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- Ansikte mot ansikte 2009-4-17 17:04,4444分享
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