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FANHALL ID: if01743
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片名: 水俣日记
其它片名: /Minamata Diary
导演: 土本典昭
摄影: 土本典昭
声音: 久保田幸雄
剪辑: 土本典昭
片长: 103分钟
年份: 2004年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 日本
语言: 日语
格式: 彩色/DVCA

影片概述 . . . . . .

Chinese Subtitles translation:Feng Yan
In 1995, Mr. and Mrs. Tsuchimoto moved their residence to Minamata once again. Their work was to photograph over 1000 altar portraits of deceased Minamata victims from the past 40 years, to exhibit at the 1996 Minamata Exhibition in Tokyo. Not intending to “make a film”, the video footage shot in their free time recorded the beauty of the changing faces of the four seasons, the community festivals, joyful people, and their prayers. The filmmakers listened to the voices of the sea, the fish, and the people recovering from the past, and filmed their impressions and emotions of that year in Minamata. A decade later, a live recording of a 1996 voice-over explanation by Tsuchimoto himself was added onto the sound track and the work was completed.

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