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Frozen River

FANHALL ID: if00914
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片名: Frozen River
其它片名: 冰冻之河/冰封之河/冰封河流/冰河
导演: Courtney Hunt
编剧: Courtney Hunt
制片人: Chip Hourihan, Heather Rae
摄影: Reed Morano
声音: Micah Bloomberg
剪辑: Kate Williams
主演: Melissa Leo, Misty Upham, Michael O'Keefe, Mark Boone Junior, Charlie McDermott
音乐: Shahzad Ismaily, Peter Golub
片长: 97分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 剧情片
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
格式: 数字
制作机构: Cohen Media Group

影片概述 . . . . . .


Frozen River is the story of Ray Eddy, an upstate New York trailer mom who is lured into the world of illegal immigrant smuggling when she meets a Mohawk girl who lives on a reservation that straddles the US-Canadian border. Broke after her husband takes off with the down payment for their new doublewide, Ray reluctantly teams up with Lila, a smuggler, and the two begin making runs across the frozen St. Lawrence River carrying illegal Chinese and Pakistani immigrants in the trunk of Ray’s Dodge Spirit.

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