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FANHALL ID: if00354
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片名: 手机
其它片名: /Mobile Phones
导演: 梁小武
摄影: 梁小武
剪辑: 梁小武
片长: 7分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 短片
国别: 中国
制作机构: 黄牛田电影小组

影片概述 . . . . . .


Jr. Wang and Jr. Wu are both working as safeguards, both on the same shift each day, sticking on the same position. When on duty they both love to sit on a set position, watching the other side of the rode. they share the common habit of playing their cell phones...

导演阐述 . . . . . .

吵闹的声响,夹着清新亮丽的鸟鸣,城市近乎音速的生长……,镜下的人们,忙着完成"欲望",忽视着那些看似不 重要的本源。欲望无尽无穷,虚假的装饰,挺着膨胀发福的肚皮,迎向未来……

Sound of the noisy, mixed with the freshness of the birds' chattering, whilst the speed of the sound is the speed of the city growing at...... people on the screen were busy with completing their "desire", ignoring those seemingly unimportant origins. Endless is the desire, hokey is the mask; bellies bulged, heading to a future...

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手机? [展开/收起]
art007   2008-11-22 09:56:25   7回应
以前有个贺岁片也叫《手机》 谁拍的? 这次的是短片呀 ?此手机非彼手机…… 肯定

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