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FANHALL ID: if01810
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片名: 4050
其它片名: 4050/4050
导演: 邱洪峰
摄影: 邱洪峰
剪辑: 丛峰, 邱洪峰, 杨玉峰
片长: 170分钟
年份: 2009年
类型: 纪录
国别: 中国

影片概述 . . . . . .


“4050” is an official name for those jobless people who had once worked for state-owned enterprises for a long time. With China’s economic reform, these people are becoming laid-off workers and forced to retire earlier or get a one-time compensation in their forties (female) or fifties (male).This unemployed middle-aged group, mostly born after 1949, experienced Cultural Revolution, had a lower education of only primary school or junior high school. After the Cultural Revolution, these so-called “educated urban youth” working in the countryside, were assigned to be factory workers when they returned to towns or cities. Now they have to, as it is said, “Care for the old, and care for the young; too young to retire, but too old to start a new career.” My mother is one of them and what I want to document is her and her fellows’ true lives.

导演阐述 . . . . . .


I had lived in Tie Xi Area in Shen Yang, Liao Ning province for 25 years before I stayed in Beijing for 5 years. Since 2000, I began to paint remains of old factories in Tie Xi Area. From then on, I began to study the history of Tie Xi old factory area, from its beginning to its ending. When I stood on the relics, fragments of memories about the best time of old factories flashed in my brain.

As for my family, it is unlucky, but still a common one of thousands of unlucky workers families in my city. All my folks are workers. My mother did a lot of jobs after she retired but only earned a salary of 500 RMB per month; my father stayed at home for dozens of years after retirement due to illness. He did nothing but chatting and stock speculation on internet, and eventually run out of money on stock market. My uncle was fired by factory, and became very depressed, later he died of uremia. Another uncle was also fired, he got nothing to do and also suffered from diabetes; and my youngest uncle opened a household appliance maintenance shop after being fired, but he was just checked having a brain tumor last year. All these things strike me a lot. Happiness of childhood and the cruelty of reality stir in my brain, which drives me almost breaking down.
In the winter of 2007, I came back Shen Yang for Spring Festival. My parents were fighting for divorce at that time, and I was naturally involved in the family turbulence. My mum complained a lot about the misfortunes for all these years in front of the camera, and I was guided into one another different worker’s family, about the past, about the low income and other misfortunes of family.

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