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FANHALL ID: im04444
姓名: 柯枫
生日: 不详

影人概述: . . . . . .

生日六月三日,曾经就读于復旦大學(少年班),加州大學伯克利分校(主修東亞语言文学和新闻),多倫多大學(政治學碩士),紐約大學NYU TISCH艺术学院電影研究所(電影導演專業MFA藝術碩士)。美國導演協會最佳亞裔導演獎获得者。紀錄長片《东西会》获加拿大電影電視藝術學院獎Genie獎 最佳影片提名,參賽阿姆斯特丹國際紀錄片電影節(IDFA)、多倫多國際纪录片電影節(HotDocs最佳影片提名)、新加坡國際電影節、紐約亞美國際電影節、香港国际电影节等。电影项目Lady Shanghai《海上煙雲》榮獲2001年釜山國際電影節釜山推廣計劃PPP獎勵,榮獲当年嘎納國際電影節美國綜藝雜誌VARIETY主辦的全球劇本評比大獎(前五名),曾经参与策划再見楠溪江、妻妾成群、玄奘、幼童、海上黑幫、尘埃落定,2007年独立导演《八佰棒》,入围今年圣塞巴斯蒂安国际电影节新导演竞赛单元,现在筹拍运作中的独立电影有关于新疆淘金客的《鑫女》、和丐帮流浪兒童的《脱臼》。

Kevin Feng Ke, once a sculptor, has permanent installations at San Francisco, Vancouver, Toronto & Washington D.C., and Hong Kong among others. He studied Asian Studies and Journalism at UC Berkeley and Political Science at Univ. of Toronto before embarking on a film career. After a brief training at National Film Board of Canada and USC, he enrolled in the MFA film program at NYU Tisch School of Arts where he was a recipient of Ang Lee Scholarship and Directors’ Guild of America Award for Best Asian Filmmaker. The feature project he scripted, "Lady Shanghai" was the official selection of Pusan IFF’s Pusan Promotion Plan (PPP 2001). Film works: "Song and Cry" (experimental/ performance documentary 1991) "When East Meets East" (documentary 1997) "The Official Account" (narrative short 1999) "True Love" (short, 2000) Tired of being a ghostwriter for some of the best known 5th Generation directors, he directs his first feature film, "Letters from Death Row".

评论列表 . . . . . . ( 发表新评论 ) ( 更多评论 )

City of Rome Award for Best Films [展开/收起]
Kafka   2008-12-11 22:56:18   1回应
The 9th Edition of AsiaticaFilmMediale The jury decided to award first prize CITY OF ROME AWARD for Best Feature Film to Letters from...
德国慕尼黑电影节+卡罗维发利电影节 相关展映 [展开/收起]
Kafka   2009-08-01 23:10:45   1回应
请点击 blog.sina.com.cn/babaibang 及其相关图片
Kevin Feng Ke: “A portrait of human condition in the death row” [展开/收起]
Kafka   2009-04-20 15:17:49   0回应
[Ba Bai Bang] Letters From Death Row tells the story of an inmate of a Chinese prison who has been chosen to record the last wills of pris...
罗马亚洲电影节最佳影片颁奖阐述 [展开/收起]
Kafka   2008-12-11 23:18:00   1回应
CITY OF ROME AWARD 罗马城市奖(原“费里尼城市精神奖”) for Best Feature Film 最佳故事影片 The jury decided to assign the first prize, ex...
An Unflinching Look at Chinese Death Row [展开/收起]
Kafka   2008-12-11 22:43:23   1回应
One of the earth-shaking feature debuts in the history of Chinese cinema, Kevin Feng Ke’s Letters from Death Row [Ba Bai Bang] provides an ...

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