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FANHALL ID: if02702
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其它片名: 直到重生
导演: Oleg Morozov
编剧: Oleg Morozov, Larisa Bekh
摄影: Oleg Morozov, Larisa Bekh, Igor Ryazantsev
声音: Oleg Morozov, Sergei Inshakov
片长: 90分钟
年份: 2008年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 俄罗斯
语言: 俄语
格式: 彩色
制作机构: ReProduction

影片概述 . . . . . .

但这并不是命运的讽刺将电影变为一种侮辱,而是疯狂的肆虐、将穷苦的恶人变为幽灵般的部队的强大力量。这不是可疑的肮脏的现实主义,而是俄国文学的的重要特点。这是一个特殊的任务,必须坚持到最后的任务,不能忘记有人会决定完全放弃自己。然而,电影导演Oleg Morozov死于2009年1月1日,电影拍摄完毕的几周之前,他的死而复生的理念变成了自己命运。
At the risk of falling into the trap of cheap romanticism, it would seem that certain works carry within themselves the seed of a strange destiny. This could well be the case of this film with its prophetic title. Shot in Russia, in Kaliningrad, the former German city then named Königsberg, emptied of its inhabitants after the 2nd World War and repopulated since by Russian migrants, the film follows, over a period of almost fifteen years, the track of certain characters whose fate, we are soon given to understand, is more or less sealed in advance. Moreover, a voice off tells us without mercy that they have passed away whereas all this while we see them on the screen moving around and struggling to survive.
But it is not the irony of fate that predominates here or would maliciously seem to lead the film from insult to insult; rather a mad rage, a vital energy that brings this ghostly troop of poor wretches into the category of the great characters of Russian literature rather than to that of a questionable and sordid realism. It is an exceptional undertaking: on the one hand, nothing must be omitted in this descent into hell and then it must be followed through for years on end, not forgetting that this descent implies that there will be bodies who have made the choice (tragic or pathetic – it comes to the same) of giving themselves up entirely. The fact that Oleg Morozov, the film director who now and again appears on the screen, died on lst January 2009, some weeks after finishing the film, shows how his tribute to the future risen from the dead becomes his own testimony.

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