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Do widzenia, do jutra

FANHALL ID: if01893
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片名: Do widzenia, do jutra
其它片名: 再见/Good Bye, Till Tomorrow
导演: Janusz Morgenstern
编剧: Zbigniew Cybulski, Bogumil Kobiela, Wilhelm Mach
制片人: Roman Mann
摄影: Jan Laskowski
声音: Mikolaj Kompan-Altman
剪辑: Janina Niedzwiecka
主演: Roman Polanski, Zbigniew Cybulski, Teresa Tuszynska, Grazyna Muszynska, Barbara Baranowska
音乐: Krzysztof Komeda
片长: 88分钟
年份: 1960年
类型: 剧情
国别: 波兰
语言: 波兰语
制作机构: Film Polski

影片概述 . . . . . .

As a carbon copy of a standard French New Wave film ( closer to François Moreuil than to François Truffaut ), "Do widzenia, do jutra" benefits from the same virtues and suffers from the same vices as the model it takes its inspiration from.

Among the qualities the fresh, unaffected tone of the actors who seem to be what they are in life. On the other hand, the streets and sites of Gdansk are photographed so well and so close to everyday reality that the viewer is made to feel like booking a guided tour for the Polish city immediately after the closing credits.

Unfortunately, sticking to reality is no guarantee that the material you are filming is of any interest, if this "reality" is synonymous with superficiality. For, what is this movie really about ? Nothing much more than : "I love you, you love me a little but you're capricious". Two hours after viewing this film you remember the beautiful streets of Gdansk but you have forgotten practically everything about...the characters! Pleasant but forgettable stuff indeed!

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