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Misery in Borinage

FANHALL ID: if01756
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片名: Misery in Borinage
其它片名: 伯利纳奇的苦难/Misère au Borinage
导演: Joris Ivens, Henri Stork
制片人: Jean Fonteyne, Paul Hennebert
摄影: Joris Ivens, Henri Storck, François Rents
音乐: André Asriel
片长: 28分钟
年份: 1933年
类型: 纪录片
国别: 比利时
格式: 35mm/B and W

影片概述 . . . . . .


这部比利时电影的基石之作便是由以上这几句反抗宣言开篇的。1932年,一场空前的大罢工使得瓦隆区的煤矿工业陷入瘫痪,然而矿主和警察的回应则显得冷酷无情。当时,该地区以外的大部分民众对此事件并不了解并且漠不关心。因此,André Thirifays, Pierre Vermeylen以及Club d’Ecran电影小组的所有年轻成员决定用他们自己手里特有的武器——摄影机对这场灾难进行见证。


《比利时电影百科全书》,主编:Guy Jungblut, Patrick Leboutte 和 Dominique Païni,Yellow Now出版社,1990年

“本片的影像和文字可分成两段:一段是严格意义上的纪录片,展示典型案例,艰苦的生活条件...另一段导演则站在了工人阶级的立场之上。这导致影评人R. Jauniaux指出,影片第二段并不客观,社会党人被推到一旁,只有共产主义者才有空间,因此这是一部具有宣教性的电影…”

Josette Debacker,《比利时电影画报》 1979年8月号

Crisis in the capitalist world. Factories are closed down, abandoned.
Millions of proletarians are hungry!

With these words of manifesto and revolt, this founding film of Belgian
cinema opens. It is one of the most important references in the
documentary genre. In 1932, a great strike had paralysed the coalmines
of Wallonia and the response of employers and the police had been
merciless. Throughout it all the broader population was ill-informed
and largely indifferent. André Thirifays, Pierre Vermeylen and all the
indignant young people involved in the Club de l'écran, decided to bear
witness to this dire poverty using their weapon, the camera.
With the aid of a doctor and a lawyer, with very little funding, hiding
from the police but supported by the whole population, the shoot took
place in difficult and exciting conditions. The film is hard,
magnificent. It has lost nothing of its force, its strong emotional
impact of indignation and compassion. It has left to the working class
the strongest images of its history and struggles: evictions;
thin-faced and absent-looking children packed together in slum houses;
the procession with the portrait of Karl Marx; the collecting of low
grade coal on the slagheaps at dawn; the begging miner etc. There is
also the shock of images placed side by side: houses standing empty
while homeless people sleep in the street, near-famine conditions with
no aid, whereas big sums of money go to construct a church...

导演阐述 . . . . . .

"By its very essence, cinema is an art within the reach of the masses.
And yet it has never been used to interest the masses in their own
evolution, their own expression. On the contrary, up to the present
time, cinema has only served to entertain them, put them to sleep, turn
them away from their worries and problems. The worker is a character
unknown to the screen...

As for the value of a social document, most of the time even the most
elementary expression of life is removed from them. During the creation
of our film, one fact took on particular importance and would be hard
to exaggerate: it is the quality of this material, a quality that can
only come from direct contact with life, with daily existence."



Joris Ivens, Henri Storck, 《比利时电影画报》访谈摘录, Documents 34, 第四期, 1934年1月号

Henri Storck, 《纪录片探索》, G. Leroy Levin, 纽约, 1971年
state of decomposition. Borinage practically invented it all..."

Une encyclopédie des cinémas de Belgique. Under the direction of Guy
Jungblut, Patrick Leboutte and Dominique Païni, Ed. Yellow Now, 1990

"There are two sections to the images and texts: one is strictly
documentary, showing typical cases... vile living conditions... The other part
is that of the directors siding with the working class. This caused a
film critic, R. Jauniaux, to say that the second part is not objective,
that the socialists are being pushed aside, leaving room only for the
communists, that this is a propaganda film..."

Josette Debacker, Revue belge du cinéma, August 1979

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