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Four Sheets to the Wind

FANHALL ID: if00166
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片名: Four Sheets to the Wind
其它片名: 风帆
导演: Sterlin Harjo
编剧: Sterlin Harjo
制片人: Chad Burris, Cheyenne Fletcher, Ted Kroeber
摄影: Frederick Schroeder
美术: Greg Hulett
剪辑: David Michael Maurer
主演: Jeri Arredondo, Wes Allen, Laura Bailey, Nando Betancur, Darryl Cox, Fank Dodson, John Glosser, Christian Kane, Jim Kirkland, Cody Lightning, Mark Loftis, Mary Neff, Bill Poague, Tamara Podemski, Jon Proudstar, Mike Randleman, Aaron Riggs, Thalia Twins
音乐: Jeff Johnston
片长: 81分钟
年份: 2007年
类型: 剧情
国别: 美国
语言: 英语
制作机构: Kish Productions, Dirt Road Productions, Indi()n film

影片概述 . . . . . .


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获得奖项 . . . . . .

American Indian Film Festival
2007 Won American Indian Movie Award Best Actor

Independent Spirit Awards
2008 Nominated Independent Spirit Award Best Supporting Female

Sundance Film Festival 
2007 Won Special Jury Prize Dramatic
For a fully realized physical and emotional turn.
Nominated Grand Jury Prize Dramatic
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