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FANHALL ID: if01348
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片名: Nattvardsgästerna
其它片名: 冬之光
导演: Ingmar Bergman
编剧: Ingmar Bergman
制片人: Allan Ekelund
摄影: Sven Nykvist
声音: Evald Andersson, Stig Flodin, Brian Wikström
剪辑: Ulla Ryghe
主演: Gunnar Björnstrand, Ingrid Thulin, Max von Sydow, Gunnel Lindblom
片长: 81分钟
年份: 1962年
国别: 瑞典
语言: 瑞典语
制作机构: Svensk Filmindustri (SF)

影片概述 . . . . . .

With this one Bergman touches the inner soul like no one ever did on film. The movie is about depression, how to deal with your principal beliefs when you don't believe in them anymore, "God's escaping me..." We feel the priest running out of strenght and slowly fading away in his disbeliefs, he then finds a man who he can relate to (Due to the depression he has, as heard about the bomb which the Chinese are creating, they are learnt to hate) He kind of uses him to give himself the power to get on with his own life, he doesn't listen to the man, but he explains his own problems, due to this the man kills himself, it's now the task of the priest to tell his wife, and by this he finds himself again, feeling again what his role in this so cruel world is. "What's the meaning of life" he says, "we can only know if we fight against ourself and our inner soul which leads us to suicide" that's why we live. Everything fits together so perfect, it's almost like I was living the movie. The characters play excellent, the cold winter settings make part of the mood the film was made for, make you feel, and that's why this movie is so excellent. It's a not so easy one but once you understand what it tells you realise why this movie exceeds storytelling of today's crap we get to see in theatres. Few films are so true and realistic

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——2009-03-20 15:42:10,4444上传

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