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Zire darakhatan zeyton/Au travers des oliviers / Abbas Kiarostami

Through the Olive Trees is a great example of how neo-realistic techniques can show realism in film making. One personal criticism would be the music, but that is purely personal, and takes nothing away from the film. A masterpeice. 伊朗大导演阿巴斯的深情之作,仍然采取他一贯的纪实电影风格,描述一段小人物的爱情插曲。男主角是一位年轻的砖匠哈山,他在阿巴斯率领外景队前来该村拍摄影片《生生长流》时,获得在影片中演出的机会。在片中饰演他新婚妻子的塔荷莉,正是哈山暗恋已久而求婚失败的女孩。于是哈山藉拍...

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