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在影片中搜索: 标签[汶川地震]

4851/ / 艾未未

  二零零八年十二月十五日,我们找到第一个遇难学生的名字,开始了 5·12遇难学生名单的“公民调查”。   一年中,覆盖了灾区十四个县市、七十四个乡镇,调查到一百五十四所学校的受灾情况,收集到了五千二百一十四名遇难学生的信息,确定姓名、年龄、班级、学校、地区和他们的父母信息的四千八百五十一人。   在近一百人的志愿者中,有38人参与了实地调查,其中25人45次被四川警方控制。   这些孩子是怎么失去生命的,我们一年前提问,今天还是这样问,一直会问下去。

China’s Unnatural Disaster: The Tears of Sichuan Province/ / Jon Alpert

Synopsis: On May 12, 2008, a catastrophic earthquake hit Sichuan Province in rural China, killing nearly 70,000 people, including 10,000 children. In town after town, poorly constructed school buildings crumbled, wiping out classrooms filled with students, most of them their parents’ only child. But when grieving mothers and fathers sought explanations and justice, they found their path blocked by incompetence, corruption and empty promises. An astonishingly up-close and candid look at the ...

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